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The purpose of the Federation is to act as the representative body of the Winnipeg Jewish
community and in support of Israel and "Klal Yisroel", to foster a strong and united community in order to provide for the culture, continuity, religious practice, spirituality, survival & welfare of Jewish life.

Israeli Consul visits Winnipeg

Consul General Cobie Brosh briefs community leadership on bilateral Israel-Manitoba potential program initiatives. 

Avrom Charach receives recognition at General Assembly

Young Leadership Award Winner Avrom Charach recognized at special luncheon on Monday, Nov. 13 at the General Assembly of the United Jewish Communities (Federations of North America). 

GAJE teachers received JESNA award

Bob Freedman, CEO of the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg, congratulates award recipients Rochelle Gamliel and Joyce Kerr at the JESNA Grinspoon Award Ceremony, Nov. 14, 2006 in Los Angeles. The ceremony was part of the General Assembly of the United Jewish Communities of North America. 

Solidarity Mission to Israel: October 28-November 5

Nineteen individuals spent an amazing 7 days traveling through Israel. We were fortunate to travel with Hon. Rosann Wowchuk, Deputy Premier and Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiative Rosann Wowchuk and her Assistant Deputy Minister Dori Gingera-Beauchemin. See more pictures 

In Today's News
Israeli chief rabbi wants to end automatic citizenship for Jewish converts (Associated Press, 11/21/2006)
More than a year after Israel's Gaza pullout, most settlers still live in limbo (Associated Press, 11/21/2006)
Beijing, Tel Aviv Establish Sister City Relations (BBC Monitoring Asia Pacific, 11/22/2006)
Jordan sentences three to jail terms over plot to attack Israel (Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa), 11/22/2006)
Nun and priest act as human shields to protect militant house from Israeli bombing (Associated Press, 11/22/2006)
Israel's Supreme Court approves same-sex marriages performed abroad (Associated Press, 11/21/2006)
Israel launches broad offensive in northern Gaza, killing Hamas commander (Associated Press, 11/21/2006)
Palestinian unity talks break down, stalling efforts to end Western aid boycott (Associated Press, 11/20/2006)
"Lost tribe" from India arrives in Israel amid controversy (Associated Press, 11/21/2006)
Israeli minister blames Syria for troubles in peace process (Associated Press, 11/20/2006)

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