Cornell University Ergonomics Web

CUErgo presents information from research studies and class work by students and faculty in  the Cornell Human Factors and Ergonomics Research Group (CHFERG), directed by Professor Alan Hedge,  in the Department of Design and Environmental Analysis at Cornell University.  CHFERG focuses on ways to enhance usability by improving the ergonomic design of hardware, software, and workplaces, to enhance people's comfort, performance and health in an approach we call  Ergotecture.  We recognize that this is also as an important component of the Department's  Ecotecture sustainable design approach.

  "I would found an institution where any person can find instruction in any study." 
Ezra Cornell, 1865


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Site content last revised: November 24, 2006.
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Site contents are copyrighted. However, providing you cite the source, you can  reproduce these materials without permission for noncommercial and educational purposes, otherwise contact Professor Alan Hedge. Any commercial items mentioned in this site are intended as examples and not product endorsements. Please note that external URLs may change as websites get updated. We do not track all of these changes. If you find a broken link let us know about it. If you run a search to find the new URL also let us know that. Thanks for your help.

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