

CHICA–Canada offers these links for additional resources for infection control professionals. Links presented here do not imply endorsement by CHICA–Canada.

Alerts, recalls and advisories


Information links and resources for ICPs regarding bioterrorism and biological warfare.


A collection of information links and resources for ICPs to assist them to monitor maintenance and construction activities in their facility. CHICA-Canada members may find additional information and tools on the Facility Design & Construction Interest Group Web Page (CHICA member password required).

Emerging Infections

Keep up with the latest information on new and changing infections. This web page offers links to sites that are involved with surveillance and monitoring for new and evolving infectious diseases as well as links to CHICA-Canada's web pages on Influenza/Pandemic Influenza/Avian Influenza, SARS and West Nile Virus.

French Resources - Ressources franÇaises

CHICA-Canada offre ces liens pour les ressources additionnelles en françaises pour des professionnels de commande d'infection.

Hand Hygiene Resources

A compilation of information and resources for ICPs to enhance educational programs. Topics include: rationale for hand hygiene; hand hygiene procedures; hand hygiene standards & guidelines; education & teaching aids; hand hygiene publications, research & references; hand hygiene information for teachers & children; and historical information about hand hygiene.

Human Resources for ICPs

Resources that may be used by ICPs to enhance their infection control programs. Includes guidelines and recommendations for ICP training, numbers, and infection control program content; standards; professional practices standards, and more!

Information Links

CHICA–Canada offers additional links to valuable internet resources. These include infection control sites of interest, associations, organizations, journals and publications, and computerization/web skills.

Promotion of Infection Control

    Use these resources to publicize your infection control activities.

  • Resources for Infection Control Week  – Promote your week with our help! You are provided with an outline and suggestions for the organization of your event, some fun activities you can do, and lots of free samples to help get you started. Have a great week!

Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) 
Formerly Population and Public Health Branch of Health Canada.

Search Tools

A listing of resources for searching the web, particularly medical websites.

Surveillance and Statistics

Tools and websites to help you carry out surveillance and analyse the results.