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Becoming certified shows a commitment to best practices in infection prevention and control and improved care regardless of the facility type in which one practices. -- Lynn Fine, PhD, MPH, CIC, FAPIC
Being a CIC to me means that I am considered as a subject matter expert to my peers and within my organization. -- Latasha Richards, MSN, RN, CIC
I have stayed an IP because every day I am able to use my clinical skills, knowledge, creativity, impact and influence to make a difference. -- Jeannie Sanborn, RN, BS, MS, CIC
Absolutely go for it! Sure, it's work, but so worthwhile.

-- Marcia Patrick, RN, MSN, CIC What are you waiting for?


Call for Nominations for APIC & CBIC Boards of Directors


2020 CBIC President's Welcome Message: A year for CBIC growth

"As 2020 CBIC President, I look forward to building on the momentum we gained in 2019, strengthening current partnerships and making new ones!"

Read the Message

March E-Newsletter

Infection Prevention Units (IPUs) portfolio LIVE, updates on a-IPC, and 2020

Read the Newsletter


Number of individuals certified in Infection Control.

(Updated 4/6/20)


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CBIC and CIC Products

Here at CBIC, we want you to be able to wear your certification with pride! Check out our official CIC® merchandise so that you can display your accomplishments in style.


CBIC Multimedia

Podcasts or webinars? Teleclasses or brochure materials? Our multimedia page addresses frequently asked questions, showcases some of our amazing CICs, and continues to inform the public about the industry.


CIC® in the Spotlight

Why did you choose a career in infection prevention and control? What does being a CIC® mean to you? View our Spotlight series, and find out how you can become featured!


Why Certify?

Still on the fence about certification? Find resources for educating others about the value of a CIC® Credential, a Why Certify? infographic, and an infection prevention recruitment video.


CIC® Benefits

  • Professional and international recognition
  • Demonstrates mastery of infection prevention and control principles


of certificate holders find their CIC® very impactful.


of certificate holders earned a raise or better position after earning the certification.


of certificate holders would recommend a CIC® certification to their peers.

CIC® is the only accredited certification in infection prevention and control. Accredited Certification Matters

Due to COVID-19, the CBIC Office is temporarily closed. CBIC Staff are working remotely and will respond to all inquiries in a timely manner. Please note: the best way to reach CBIC is by emailing

A Message from CBIC about COVID-19

Read the Message and FAQs
