The Northwest Territories is currently one of the top three producers of diamonds in the world. The Government of the Northwest Territories has succeeded in helping the secondary diamond industry to grow here. Through the Department of Industry, Tourism & Investment we work with partners to develop diamond marketing and tourism opportunities as well as direct the Certification and Marketing Program that identifies and tracks diamonds mined and manufactured in Canada.

Divisions within the Department are responsible for diamond tracking and helping to market Canadian diamonds. The Tourism and Parks Division works closely with the tourism industry in promoting and encouraging the development of package tours that include the diamond industry. Investment and Economic Analysis works with NWT diamond factories and the Canadian jewellery sector to direct a Diamond Marketing Program (Rare in Nature). Minerals, Oil and Gas is responsible for the GNWT Certification Program, administration of rough diamond supply agreements, and monitoring of approved NWT manufacturer’s rough, cut and polished stones.

The Rare in Nature program is a public relations campaign that highlights the unique Canadian Diamond to the public. Thanks to our industry leading monitoring program, we can certify that, in every case, the Canadian diamond purchased is mined, cut and polished in the Northwest Territories.

Message from the Minister - The Honourable Brenden Bell

Diamond Facts 2005 - An annual publication. Here you will find information on the World Diamond Industry, the Canadian Diamond Industry and the Northwest Territories' Diamond Industry including timelines, facts, figures and links to previous years' Diamond Facts reports.

What's New - Latest press releases and news items

Further Information - Links

Contacts - How to contact us

Rare in Nature - Diamonds Marketing -
Francois Rossouw, Diamond Marketing & Promotions: (867) 873-7547
Diamond Certification & Marketing Program -
Carl Malmsten, Manager: (867) 920-3048
Diamond Tourism
- Barb Dillon, Manager: (867) 920-8767