NWT Industry, Tourism and Investment

Pride of the North

Wild fur from the majestic NWT has always been considered among the very best in the world. NWT fur harvesters, in partnership with the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT), are proud to continue this tradition of quality into the 21st century under the brand name Genuine Mackenzie Valley Furs™ (GMVF).

The harvesting of wild fur is a fundamental part of Aboriginal culture and the NWT economy since the first Europeans arrived. It is a hard and challenging existence, an industry dependant upon the skills and motivation of the harvester. A major component of the GMVF program is continuing education and training for NWT trappers to ensure good quality pelt handling. 

GMVF has adapted the traditional fur economy to the demands of the global economy to ensure a viable future for generations to come and a fair price for today's fur harvester.

The purpose of this program is to offer buyers access to a single source of prime Northern Canadian wild furs. Furs harvested in the NWT that meet the highest standards of quality will be offered in exclusive GMVF lots at auction and private treaty. The distinctive GMVF label, depicting a traditional Dene snowshoe, guarantees the buyer a single source of high quality authentic NWT harvested fur. 

All wild furs in the GMVF collection:

  • Comply with European markets guidelines.

  • Meet the standards set out in the Agreement on International Humane Trap Standards.

  • Are harvested as part of an ongoing, centuries old tradition using the most humane trapping techniques in the fur industry today.

  • Are collected, inspected and shipped to Fur Harvesters Auction by RWED on behalf of the harvester. Quality control standards ensure that all GMVF fur is of the highest quality.

By reflecting distinction, quality and tradition, the GMVF label has boosted the demand and value of NWT wild fur back to where it belongs - as one of the most prized commodities in the fur industry. GMVF marten is internationally recognized as second only to Russian sable. Recently, the three Northern Canadian wild fur labels, including GMVF, have agreed to collectively market their wild fur under the brand Northern Canadian Wild Fur Collection

Please contact us if you have any questions about the GMVF program. 

Northwest Territories Trapping Regulations (WordPerfect or PDF)