About MACA


The Directorate includes the Deputy Minister’s Office and the Corporate Affairs Division. The Directorate coordinates the development and the implementation of the Department’s strategies with the senior management team and links the Department’s activity to the goals of the Minister and Government.

Corporate Affairs

Corporate Affairs provides support to the divisions and regional offices of the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA). There are several different units of Corporate Affairs designed to provide service in the areas of finance, administration, policy, planning, communications, legislation, purchasing, information systems and records management.

The Policy and Planning unit provides strategic policy, planning, legislative and communications support to the Minister, the Deputy Minister and the Department and supports many Departmental information and communications activities.

The Information Systems unit supports the Department by providing expert advice on department-specific computer applications and records management, maintains the Department’s local area network and supports information technology planning.

The Financial Services unit provides financial and administrative support to the Department and provides services such as the development and monitoring of departmental business plans and annual budgets.

The Aboriginal Claims and Self-Government Unit provides support related to the mandate of the Department in the development of land claims and Aboriginal self-governments agreements.