Community Operations

Municipal Rural Infrastructure Innovation Fund


The Canada-Northwest Territories Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (MRIF) Agreement results in the establishment of an Innovation Fund to foster innovation in municipal infrastructure. The MRIF Agreement stipulates that twenty percent of the contributions for projects in tax-based communities must be used to fund Green Projects that utilize innovative technologies and/or practices.

Over the five-year term of the Agreement (2005-2006 through 2009-2010), the Innovation Fund will result in $2.8 million being available to support innovation projects in tax-based communities. The Canada-Northwest Territories MRIF Management Committee has approved the Guidelines for Project Selection (November 200517 KB). Tax-based communities are invited to submit applications for innovative projects. A total of $500,000 will be available for cost-sharing in 2005-2006.

Applicants must complete a Project Business Case Guideline (November 2005 186 KB) to be eligible for funding.

Submissions should be forwarded to the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs:

Olivia Lee, MRIF Coordinator, MACA
600-5201 50th Avenue
Yellowknife,NT X1A 3S9
Phone: 867-873-7238
Fax: 867-873-0609 (fax)
