Pipeline Readiness / Resource Development

About the Pipeline

The proposed Mackenzie Valley Pipeline and other resource development projects will have a significant impact on a number of Northwest Territories communities. The Department of Municipal and Community Affairs is working in partnership with community governments to identify these impacts and opportunities, and assist communities to prepare for them.

Municipal and Community Affairs established the Resource Development Task Team (RDTT) in 2003 to provide advice and recommendations on minimizing the potential adverse impacts of resource development projects and to maximize the benefits of the projects to communities, by building community capacity. In addition to departmental staff from regional offices and headquarters, the RDTT includes two members from the Local Government Administrators of the Northwest Territories who provide operation input and advice.

Municipal and Community Affairs has established a Pipeline Readiness Team with staff throughout the Mackenzie Valley. Providing advice and support to communities is an on-going and long-term endeavor through the pre-construction, construction and operation phases of the Mackenzie Gas Project.


Michael Kalnay
Director, Pipeline Readiness
(867) 873-7565


Murray Cutten
Coordinator, Community Agreements
(867) 873-7977

Chris Hewitt
Community Planning and Resource
Development Impacts Coordinator
(867) 695-7205