The School of Community Government

Tools & Resources

Community Government Human Resource Development System

Community governments are taking on extended powers and accountabilities through self-government, land claim agreements and community and economic development. In light of these challenges, the need for building and strengthening human resource capacity is now greater than ever. To assist community governments in building their human resource capacity needs the School of Community Government as developed the Community Government Human Resource Development System (CGHRDS). The system focuses on the planning, hiring, training and development of quality local staff. Through the implementation of this system, community governments will have a better chance of finding, hiring and training local residents.

If you have any comments or questions about the CGHRDS please contact your Regional Officer or the School of Community Government.

CGHRDS Manual (April 2006) 3.27 MB

Community Government Job Descriptions and Performance Evaluation Forms

The School of Community Government has developed a series of community government job descriptions and performance evaluations. Job descriptions describe the knowledge, skills and responsibilities required in the position. Performance evaluations identify the training and education one may need to better perform their job. Job descriptions and performance evaluations are specific to a community government. The documents listed below are generic descriptions and should be modified to meet your organization’s needs.

The following documents are all stored in PDF format and were updated April 2006.

Job Description
Performance Evaluation
Accounts Payable Clerk
Accounts Receivable Clerk
Administrative Assistant
Administrative Clerk
Administrative Officer
Airport Maintainer
Alcohol and Drug Coordinator
Alcohol and Drug Counselor
Assistant Senior Administrative Officer
Band Manager
Band Manager Trainee
Building Maintainer
By-Law Officer
Career Development Officer
Carpenter Apprentice
Clerk Receptionist
Community Coordinator
Community Economic Development Officer
Community Empowerment Coordinator
Community Health Representative
Community Justice Coordinator
Community Postal Officer
Community Social Worker
Community Works Foreman
Daycare Coordinator
Daycare Worker
Director of Finance
Employment Officer
Executive Secretary
Facilities Maintainer
Field Worker
Finance Administration Clerk
Finance Officer
Fire Chief
Fire Crew Boss
Fire Crew Member
First Nation Administrator
First Nation Administrator Trainee
Garbage Truck Driver
Garbage Truck Helper
Grader Operator
Hamlet Foreman
Head Mechanic
Heavy Equipment Operator
Highways Foreman
Home Care Coordinator
Home Care Worker
Housing Administrative Clerk
Housing Maintainer
Housing Maintenance Foreman
Housing Maintenance Manager
Housing Maintenance Serviceman
Housing Manager
Human Resource Officer
Income Support Worker
Information Technician
Information Technology Manager
Lands Administration Officer
Lands Clerk
Mental Health Worker
Municipal Services Supervisor
Municipal Services Worker
Office Manager
Office Support Worker
Oil Burner Mechanic
Pool Supervisor
Pre-School Teacher
Program Administrator
Public Utilities Clerk
Pump House Maintainer
Recreation Coordinator
Recreation Facility Operator
Recreation Leader
Recreation Programmer
Revenue Clerk
School Bus Driver
Senior Administrative Officer
Senior Guard Instructor
Store Manager
Tenant Relations Officer
Truck Driver
Utilities Clerk
Water Sewage Truck Driver
Water Treatment Plant Operator
Youth Coordinator