The School of Community Government

About the School

What is the School of Community Government?

The School is focused on people, driven by results.

The School of Community Government is a division within the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs, Government of the Northwest Territories.

The School of Community Government (S of CG) assists community governments with capacity building priorities through an integrated approach to training and development. The S of CG provides training and development opportunities to community governments, their staff and organizations that support community governments. Training is based on assessed community needs, delivered to a recognized standard and upon successful completion provides certification. 

Who Benefits from the School of Community Government?

  • community leaders and decision makers;
  • community government staff;
  • community governments, housing authorities and aboriginal organizations
  • management personnel and job teams;
  • community development and volunteer organizations; and
  • sponsored individuals who want to enter the community government workforce.

How does a community government benefit?

Through an integrated approach the S of CG brings together training and development opportunities offered by different organizations into a one window approach. The S of CG delivers training, focused on Northern Communities in such broad areas of community governance, management, finances, infrastructure, operations, lands and public safety. Read more about community development.

How does the S of CG Work?

  • Training is based on occupational standards and competency profiles.
  • Training is designed to help communities build their local northern capacity.
  • Courses are customized and delivered according to assessed needs and approved standards.
  • The S of CG employs a variety of delivery methods 
  • The S of CG offers a system of human resource development and assessment tools.

Who is involved?

Community Governments in partnership with GNWT and Federal Departments, Aboriginal, Territorial and Professional Organizations, Educational Institutions and the Private Sector.