Sport, Recreation, Youth & Volunteerism

About Sport, Recreation, Youth & Volunteerism

The Sport, Recreation, Youth and Volunteerism division provides advice and assistance with recreation and sport programs and represents the Government of the Northwest Territories in its partnership with:

  • NWT Council of Sport and Recreation Partners,
  • Sport North Federation,
  • Aboriginal Sport Circle of the Western Arctic,
  • NWT Recreation and Parks Association,
  • Mackenzie Recreation Association, and
  • Beaufort Delta Sahtu Recreation Association
  • Volunteer NWT

The Department of Municipal and Community Affairs is the lead GNWT department for coordinating the government's effort to support the voluntary sector. The division coordinates volunteer recognition programs and assists with the promotion of volunteerism.

The Youth Secretariat within the Division was established to assist the Minister Responsible for Youth to promote youth initiatives and act as a first point of contact for youth issues within the GNWT.