Local & Regional Governments

Community Contacts Listing

Welcome to Municipal and Community Affairs Community Contacts Listing. This community contacts database is of elected community officials and leadership responsible for community government. It is updated regularly. As this database changes often, avoid keeping hard copies as they become outdated quickly. For an explanation of the organization of the database and terms, click here.

If any information herein is found to be obsolete please E-Mail us immediately.

Differences in Community Government Structures

Printable page of all regions (Best viewed/printed with Internet Explorer)
Printable page of a specific region:

Printable page of all Organizations & Corporations (Best viewed/printed with Internet Explorer)

Mail Merge documents are now available with up to date information from our database. Documents to assist in the creation of mail out labels are now also available within. (Novermber 2006).

Select a region:


Aklavik - Ehdiitat Gwich'in Council
Aklavik - Hamlet of Aklavik
Aklavik - Metis Local #56
Fort McPherson - Metis Local #58
Fort McPherson - Tetlit Gwich'in Council
Fort McPherson - Hamlet of Fort McPherson
Inuvik - Nihtat Gwich'in Council
Inuvik - Metis Local #62
Inuvik - Town of Inuvik
Paulatuk - Hamlet of Paulatuk
Sachs Harbour - Hamlet of Sachs Harbour
Tsiigehtchic - Gwichya Gwich'in Council
Tsiigehtchic - Charter Community of Tsiigehtchic
Tsiigehtchic - Metis Local #63
Tuktoyaktuk - Hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk
Ulukhaktok - Hamlet of Ulukhaktok


Colville Lake - Settlement Corporation
Deline - Charter Community of Deline
Deline - First Nation
Fort Good Hope - Charter Community of K'asho Got'ine
Fort Good Hope - Metis Local #54
Norman Wells - Town of Norman Wells
Tulita - Fort Norman Metis Land/Financial Corporation
Tulita - Hamlet of Tulita
Tulita - Tulita Band Council


Fort Liard - Acho Dene Koe First Nation
Fort Liard - Metis Local #67
Fort Liard - Hamlet of Fort Liard
Fort Providence - Deh Gah Got'ie Dene Council
Fort Providence - Hamlet of Fort Providence
Fort Providence - Metis Local #57
Fort Simpson - Liidlii Kue First Nation
Fort Simpson - Metis Nation Local #52
Fort Simpson - Village of Fort Simpson
Jean Marie River - First Nation - Designated Authority
Kakisa - Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation - Designated Authority
Nahanni Butte - Nahanni Butte Dene Band - Designated Authority
Trout Lake - Sambaa K'e Dene Band - Designated Authority
Wrigley - Pehdzeh Ki First Nation - Designated Authority

North Slave

Behchoko (Rae-Edzo) - Tlicho Community Government of Behchoko
Behchoko - (Rae-Edzo) Metis Local #64
Gameti - Tlicho Community Government of Gameti
Wekweeti - Tlicho Community Government of Wekweeti
Whati - Tlicho Community Government of Whati
Yellowknife - City of Yellowknife
Yellowknife - Metis Council
Yellowknife - Yellowknife Metis Nation Local #66
Yellowknife - Yellowknives Dene First Nation (Dettah)
Yellowknife - Yellowknives Dene First Nation (N'dilo)

South Slave

Enterprise - Settlement of Enterprise
Fort Resolution - Metis Council
Fort Resolution - Settlement Corporation
Fort Resolution - Deninu K'ue First Nation
Fort Smith - Metis Council
Fort Smith - Salt River First Nation
Fort Smith - Smith's Landing First Nation
Fort Smith - Town of Fort Smith
Hay River - Metis Government Council
Hay River - Metis Nation
Hay River - Town of Hay River
Hay River Reserve - K'atlodeechee First Nation
Hay River Reserve - West Point First Nation
Lutsel K'e - Dene Band - Designated Authority

Territorial & Regional Organizations & Corporations

Aklavik - Aklavik Community Corporation
Behchoko - Tlicho Government - Regional
Colville Lake - Ayoni Keh Land Corporation
Deline - Deline Land/Financial Corporation
Deline - Sahtu Dene Council - Regional
Deline - Sahtu Secretariat - Regional
Fort Good Hope - Yamoga Land Corporation
Fort Resolution - Akaitcho Territory Government - Regional
Fort Simpson - Dehcho First Nations - Regional
Fort Smith - Northwest Territory Metis Nation - Regional
Inuvik - Gwich'in Tribal Council - Regional Aboriginal
Inuvik - Inuvik Community Corporation
Norman Wells - Norman Wells Land Corporation
Paulatuk - Paulatuk Community Corporation
Sachs Harbour - Sachs Harbour Community Corporation
Tuktoyaktuk - Tuktoyaktuk Community Corporation
Tulita - Tulita Land Corporation
Ulukhaktok - Holman Community Corporation
Yellowknife - Assembly of First Nations Regional Office - NWT
Yellowknife - Dene Nation - Territorial First Nations
Yellowknife - Local Government Administrators of the NWT
Yellowknife - North Slave Metis Alliance - Regional
Yellowknife - NWT Association of Communities - Territorial