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Members of the 15th Assembly

David KrutkoHon. David Krutko
MLA, Mackenzie-Delta
Minister Responsible for the Northwest Territories Power Corporation
Minister of Public Works and Services
Minister Responsible for the Workers’ Compensation Board

Mackenzie Delta MLA, David Krutko, was first elected in 1995 to the 13th Assembly, re-elected in 1999 to the 14th Assembly and was acclaimed to the 15th Assembly in 2003. Mr. Krutko was elected to serve on Cabinet on June 1, 2004.

As a Member of the 13th Assembly, Mr. Krutko served as the chairman and member of a number of Standing and Special Committees. During the 14th Assembly, Mr. Krutko held the position of Deputy Speaker and Chairman of Committee of the Whole. He also served as Deputy Chair of the Rules of Committee. Mr. Krutko was the Speaker of the 15 Assembly prior to attaining ministerial posts as the Minister Responsible for the Workers’ Compensation Board and the Minister Responsible for the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation.

Mr. Krutko has worked as a negotiator on the Dene Metis Land Claim Agreement and was a senior negotiator on the Gwich'in and the Sahtu Agreements. Mr. Krutko has served as the Vice-President of the Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories, Vice-President of the Mackenzie Delta Tribal Council (now the Gwich'in Tribal Council), President of the Fort McPherson Metis Local, President of the Fort McPherson Hunters and Trappers Association, Councillor for the Fort McPherson Indian Band (now the Tetlit Gwich'in Council), Councillor for the Hamlet of Fort McPherson, Director of the Mackenzie Delta-Beaufort Sea Regional Planning Commission, member of the Gwich'in Land and Water Board, member of the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board, Director of the Metis Development Corporation and co-chairman of the Northwest Territories Tourism Training Group. Mr. Krutko also worked in the oil and gas industry in the Beaufort Sea and in Norman Wells in the 70s and 80s.

Mr. Krutko has four children: Gordie, Laura, Joanne, and Michelle.

Contact Information  -  click here for full Assembly Telephone Directory

Ministers Office:
P.O. Box 1320
Yellowknife, NT   X1A 2L9
Tel: (867) 669-2399
Fax: (867) 873-0274

Constituency Office:
P.O. Box 266
Fort McPherson, NT   X0E 0J0
Tel: (867) 952-2330
Fax: (867) 952-2212