Department of Justice
  Aboriginal Rights Court
  Challenges Program
Aboriginal Rights Court Challenges Program


   1. Purpose

   This program provides funding to pay legal expenses for individuals and non-profit
   organizations seeking through the court process to protect or define Aboriginal or
   treaty rights of the Aboriginal people of the Northwest Territories.

   2. Criteria for Selection of Cases

  (1) The funding is available to individuals that reside, and non-profit organizations
       which operate, in the Northwest Territories.

  (2) Cases must involve matters of law of substantial importance and must have
       legal merit.

  (3) The issue should have consequences for a number of residents of the Northwest

  (4) Priority will be given to the parties to the action, although support may be given
       to interveners in exceptional cases.

  (5) Funding will not usually be provided if the same legal issue is already before the

  (6) This program will not fund cases eligible for legal aid funding from the Legal
       Services Board of the Northwest Territories. Applicants will be expected to apply
       for funding from the Federal Court Challenges program or the Department of
       Indian Affairs and Northern Development, if available.

  (7) Assistance may be provided for assessment, development of the case and each
       stage of litigation for amounts up to the following maximums:

                    a. Assessment and development of case $ 5,000
                    b. Trial $20,000
                    c. Appeal $20,000
                    d. Appeal to Supreme Court of Canada $20,000

  (8) In exceptionally complex cases, funding may be authorized in amounts in
       excess of the maximums set out in subsection 2(7) above.

  3. Process

  (1) Applications for funding under the Aboriginal Court Challenges Program shall be
       submitted to:

                  Deputy Minister
                  The Department of Justice
                  Government of the Northwest Territories
                  6th Floor, Courthouse
                  Box 1320
                  Yellowknife NT X1A 2L9

  (2) The Aboriginal Rights Court Challenges Committee shall review all applications
       to determine whether they meet the eligibility criteria for funding under the

  (3) No member of the Committee shall participate in a decision relating to the
       funding of a case where he or she would be a party, or where his or her
       employer, partner, business associate, or immediate family member would be a
       party or counsel, or in which he or she may benefit, directly or indirectly, from
       the outcome.

  (4) The Committee may ask an applicant to provide additional information about its
       proposed litigation.

  (5) The Committee may request a legal opinion from the Legal Division in the
       Department of Justice or, in the case where the Department of Justice has a
       potential conflict of interest, from a private lawyer entitled to practice law in the
       Northwest Territories. Where an opinion is sought from a private lawyer, this will
       be funded under subsection 2(7)a.

  (6) The Committee will make a recommendation to the Minister of Justice as to the
       amount of funding, if any, which should be provided in each case.

  (7) The Minister of Justice will determine the amount of funding, if any, which is to
       be given to each applicant in each case, and his or her decision is final.

  (8) There is no obligation on the part of the Minister of Justice to grant funding for
       any case or party, even though the application complies with the eligibility
       criteria and the Committee recommends its approval.

  (9) Funding may be awarded to cover each stage of litigation as identified in
       subsection 2(7), except for an amount paid under subsection 3(5). Funding for
       each stage identified in subsections 2(7)a to d will not be provided without a
       legal opinion indicating there is a reasonable prospect of success.

  (10) An approved grant will be paid to the lawyer(s) for the applicant, in trust, on the
        conditions it be used only for the legal case as identified, that a proper
        accounting of the money be provided, that accounts be taxed when requested
        by the Minister or his delegate, and such other conditions as may reasonably
        be imposed to reflect these guidelines and the nature of the particular legal

  (11) Legal actions funded by this program are conducted independently by the
        parties, without direction from, or involvement by, the Minister or Department of

  (12) The Minister of Justice is not obligated to continue with further funding over and
         above the specific amount of a grant, and is not obligated to pay any other
         costs or expenses incurred by a grant recipient, whether or not the litigation is

For more information, contact:

Glen Rutland
Tel: (867) 920-6418
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