Department of Justice
  Reports of the Chief Coroner
  Office of the Coroner's
   Annual Reports


The Coroner Service of the Northwest Territories is responsible for the investigations of all sudden unexpected deaths.

A Coroner is medical-legal death investigator appointed by the Minister of Justice upon recommendation from the Chief Coroner.

The Coroner is responsible for ascertaining the facts surrounding a death and must determine:
- The identity of the deceased
- How, when, where and by what means the deceased came to their death.

The death is then classified as Natural, Accidental, Suicide, Homicide or Undetermined.

The Coroner can also make recommendations to help improve public safety and prevent future deaths in similar circumstances.

The Coroner Service is a fact finding, not a fault finding agency that provides an independent service to the family, communities, government agencies and other organizations.

For more information, please contact:

Coroner's Office
First Floor, Searle Building
PO Box 1320
Yellowknife NT  X1A 2L9
Telephone:  (867) 920-8713
Fax:           (867) 873-0426

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