Joint Secretariat
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Co-Management Bodies




Joint Secretariat

The Joint Secretariat (JS) was established in 1986 to provide technical and administrative support to 4 of the 5 co-management bodies as well as to the Inuvialuit Game Council (IGC). It also records and makes available all materials associated with the business of these groups. The Joint Secretariat office is located in Inuvik, Northwest Territories.

The 5 co-management bodies established pursuant to the IFA are:

Wildlife Management Advisory Council NWT(WMAC NWT)
Fisheries Joint Management Committee(FJMC)
Environmental Impact Screening Committee(EISC)
Environmental Impact Review Board(EIRB)
*Wildlife Management Advisory Council North Slope(WMAC NS)

The Inuvialuit and the governments of Canada, the NWT and the Yukon share equally in the management responsibilities in the ISR and designate or appoint members to each co-management body.  Download the following flyer for more Information: Co-management in the Western Arctic and Yukon North Slope.

*The Secretariat office for the Wildlife Management Advisory Council (North Slope) is located in Whitehorse, Yukon.  You can find more information and resources about this Co-management Board on their website at 
