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Your Health

  • Income and Health

    In November 2012, the OMA was asked to consider the role of screening for poverty in primary care settings and to provide physicians with relevant resources

  • Housing and Health

    Housing and Health

    In August 2013, Ontario’s Doctors examined the latest research and recommendations from experts in the field of safe, affordable housing and its relationship to the health of patients

  • Alcohol Harm Awarness

    Alcohol Harm Reduction

    According to the WHO, the CDC, and the Cancer Quality Council of Ontario, alcohol consumption in excess of low-risk guidelines is one of the top-four modifiable risk factors for chronic disease

  • Antibiotic Resistance

    Bacteria that are exposed to certain antibiotics can become resistant to these antibiotics and those related to them.

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Published on: 3/20/2010 5:26 AM
Printed on: 10/11/2015 06:38 AM
Dedicated to Doctors, Committed to Patients