Chickenpox Vaccine (Varivax)

Varivax, also known as the chickenpox vaccine, has been available in Canada since 1998.  Approximately 97% of people vaccinated with varivax will have protection four to six weeks post vaccination.

Possible Side Effects

  • Approximately 20% of people will experience pain and redness at the injection site within two days.

  • Less than 5% of people will experience a mild form of chickenpox-like rash.

  • Low-grade fever within a few days.

Note: Tylenol may be given to children < 16 years old, but not Aspirin as it has been linked to Reye’s Syndrome.

Who Should Get This Vaccine?

Healthy persons aged one year and older who have not had chickenpox.

Who Should Not Get This Vaccine?

Anyone who:

  • is sick with fever or infection (delay until well);

  • has a history of allergies to any component (e.g. gelatin or neomycin) of the vaccine;

  • has, or lives in a household with someone who has a disease that impairs the immune system (e.g. cancer, HIV or long-term systemic steroid therapy); or

  • is living with a woman who has not had chickenpox disease and is pregnant, or may become pregnant within the next 42 days.


Last Updated: November 08, 2006
