
The reports are listed in chronological order, with the most current listed first.

Click on the following to view publications by:

Feel free to print these resources directly from the online versions.

By Year: (1995-1999) (2000) (2001) (2002) (2003) (2004) (2005) (2006)

  1. Healthy Foods in Facilities
    (October 2006)
  2. NWT Health and Social Services Action Plan 2006-2010
    (August 2006)
  3. Access to Health Care and Addressing Wait Times in the NWT
    (June 2006)
  4. Northwest Territories Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect-2003 (NWTIS-2003)
    (June 2006)
  5. NWT Early Childhood Development Report For 2004/05
    (April 2006)
  6. Shaping Our Future 2006 - 2010
    (April 2006)
  7. Community Wellness in Action Report 2004-2005
    (March 2006)
  8. Social Agenda Community Demonstration Projects - Evaluation Report (2003-2006)
    (March 2006)
  9. HSS Annual Report: 2004-2005
    (March 2006)
  10. Review to Strengthen Tuberculosis Management and Control in the NWT: Assess the impact of change in response to the 2001 Review
    (February 2006)
  11. Follow-Up Report On Ground Ambulance Services
    (January 2006)
  12. NWT Addiction Survey
    (January 2006)
  13. Socio-economic Impacts in the Communities of: Behchokö, Gamètì, Whatì, Wekweètì, Detah, Ndilo, Łutsel K’e, and Yellowknife
    (January 2006)
  14. Comprehensive Five Year Human Resource Strategy Implementation Plan: April 2004 – March 2009
    (December 2005)
  15. NWT Health Status Report 2005
    (December 2005)
  16. Stay the Course…and Together We Can Secure the Foundation that Has Been Built - An Interim Report on the Mental Health and Addictions Services in the NWT
    (December 2005)
  17. GNWT Pandemic Influenza Contingency Plan
    (November 2005)
  18. Yellowknife Association for Community Living Respite Service Report 2003-2005
    (October 2005)
  19. Homelessness in the NWT: Recommendations to Improve the GNWT Response
    (October 2005)
  20. Mass Media Tobacco Strategy Evaluation
    (October 2005)
  21. Workshops on the Social Impacts of the Mackenzie Valley Gas Project
    (September 2005)
  22. GNWT Health and Social Services - 2004-05 Community Client Feedback: Minister's Report to the Public
    (September 2005)
  23. Mental Health and Addictions Services Framework For Action - Status Report March 2003- April 2005
    (June 2005)
  24. 2004 Annual Report - Communities and Diamonds: Socio-economic Impacts on the Communities of £utselk’e, Rae-Edzo, Rae Lakes, Wha Ti, Wekweti, Dettah, Ndilo, and Yellowknife
    (April 2005)
  25. Mental Health and Addictions Services Performance Measurement - 2003/04
    (March 2005)
  26. NWT Hospital Satisfaction Questionnaire Summary Reports
    (March 2005)
  27. 2005 NWT Help Directory
    (February 2005)
  28. PCC Conference 2005: Conference Report
    (February 2005)
  29. Seniors' Information Handbook - 2005
    (January 2005)
  30. NWT Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) Strategic Directions
    (January 2005)
  31. Community Wellness in Action Report 2003-2004
    (January 2005)
  32. Injury in the Northwest Territories Report
    (December 2004)
  33. Early Childhood Development Initiative - Annual Reports 2003-2004
    (November 2004)
  34. The Report to Residents of the Northwest Territories on Comparable Health and Health System Indicators (2004)
    (November 2004)
  35. Northern Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey 2004
    (October 2004)
  36. Annual Report of the Director of Child and Family Services - 2001/2002
    (October 2004)
  37. A Plan for Action: Respect Our Elders - Stop The Abuse (NWT Seniors' Society Publication)
    (September 2004)
  38. NWT Action Plan for Persons with Disabilities
    (September 2004)
  39. The NWT Disability Framework
    (September 2004)
  40. Early Childhood Development Baseline Report - 2002/2003
    (September 2004)
  41. 2003 Annual Report - Communities and Diamonds: Socio-economic Impacts on the Communities of £utselk’e, Rae-Edzo, Rae Lakes, Wha Ti, Wekweti, Dettah, Ndilo, and Yellowknife
    (August 2004)
  42. Mental Health and Addictions Services Framework For Action - Status Report 2002-2004
    (June 2004)
  43. Action Plan - Mental Health and Addictions Services
    (June 2004)
  44. Framework for Action - Mental Health and Addictions Services
    (June 2004)
  45. Nurse Practitioner Action Plan
    (June 2004)
  46. Doing our Part - GNWT's Response to the Social Agenda - May 2004 Progress Report
    (May 2004)
  47. HSS System Action Plan 2002-2005 - Status Report October 2003 - March 2004
    (April 2004)
  48. Integrated Service Delivery Model for the NWT Health and Social Services System
    (March 2004)
  49. Action Plan to Strengthen Tuberculosis Management and Control In the NWT - A Status Report
    (March 2004)
  50. Summary Report: 2002 NWT School Tobacco Survey
    (January 2004)
  51. Cancer in the Northwest Territories 1990-2000: A Descriptive Report
    (December 2003)
  52. Community Wellness in Action Report 2002-2003
    (November 2003)
  53. 2002 NWT Alcohol & Drug Survey - Statistical Summary Report (NWT Bureau of Statistics Publication)
    (October 2003)
  54. HSS System Action Plan 2002-2005 - Status Report April - September 2003
    (October 2003)
  55. New Public Health Legislation for the Northwest Territories - A Discussion Paper
    (July 2003)
  56. Seniors' Action Plan - Status Report
    (June 2003)
  57. A Profile of NWT Seniors
    (May 2003)
  58. Doing our Part - GNWT's Response to the Social Agenda - May 2003 Progress Report
    (May 2003)
  59. HSS System Action Plan 2002-2005 - Status Report October - March 2003
    (April 2003)
  60. Community Wellness in Action Report 2001-2002
    (April 2003)
  61. PCC Conference 2003: Conference Report
    (March 2003)
  62. Do I Need To See the Nurse/Doctor
    (March 2003)
  63. Integrated Planning and Reporting Model for the Health and Social Services System
    (March 2003)
  64. NWT Model of Trustee Leadership For the Health and Social Services System
    (March 2003)
  65. Doing our Part - GNWT's Response to the Social Agenda - March 2003 Progress Report
    (March 2003)
  66. NWT Active Living Strategy – Participant Information Package (MACA Publication)
    (March 2003)
  67. NWT Health and Social Services System - Accountability Framework
    (January 2003)
  68. A Territorial Law to Control Tobacco Use – What Do You Think?
    (January 2003)
  69. NWT Health and Social Services Performance Measurement and Reporting
    (January 2003)
  70. Increasing Program Evaluation Capacity for the Health and Social Services System in the Northwest Territories
    (December 2002)
  71. DRAFT - NWT Disability Framework
    (November 2002)
  72. Improving and Expanding Early Childhood Development (ECD) Programs and Services in the NWT
    (November 2002)
  73. Stanton Operational Review
    (November 2002)
  74. HSS System Action Plan 2002-2005 - Status Report February - September 2002
    (November 2002)
  75. Retention and Recruitment Plan for the Northwest Territories' Allied Health Care Professionals, Nurses and Social Workers - 2002
    (November 2002)
  76. Annual Report of the Director of Child and Family Services - 1999/2000 & 2000/2001
    (October 2002)
  77. Doing Our Part - The GNWT's Response to the Social Agenda
    (October 2002)
  78. Strengthening Home and Community Care Across Canada: A Collaborative Strategy
    (October 2002)
  79. Untold Stories 2 (Status of Women Council of the NWT Publication)
    (October 2002)
  80. The Report to Residents of the Northwest Territories on Comparable Health and Health System Indicators
    (September 2002)
  81. Early Childhood Development Baseline Report 2000 - 2001
    (September 2002)
  82. NWT Primary Community Care Framework
    (August 2002)
  83. Community Wellness in Action: 2000-2001
    (August 2002)
  84. Health Promotion Strategy Fund – A Three-Year Summary of Initiatives (1999-2000; 2000-2001; 2001-2002)
    (August 2002)
  85. Seniors Action Plan 2002-2003
    (June 2002)
  86. Northwest Territories Traditional Food Fact Sheets Series
    (June 2002)
  87. A State of Emergency - A Report on the Delivery of Addictions Services in the NWT
    (May 2002)
  88. Action on Tobacco: A Territorial Strategy for Tobacco Control
    (May 2002)
  89. NWT Social Programs and Services - A Living Inventory
    (May 2002)
  90. Social Agenda - A Draft For People of the NWT
    (May 2002)
  91. 2001 Annual Report - Communities and Diamonds: Socio-economic Impacts on the Communities of £utselk’e, Rae-Edzo, Rae Lakes, Wha Ti, Wekweti, Dettah, Ndilo, and Yellowknife
    (March 2002)
  92. NWT Health and Social Services System Action Plan
    (February 2002)
  93. Review of Programs and Services for Seniors
    (February 2002)
  94. 2001 NWT Help Directory
    (January 2002)
  95. The NWT Health Services Report 2000
    (January 2002)
  96. Seniors' Information Handbook
    (September 2001)
  97. Social Agenda Hay River Conference Report
    (July 2001)
  98. It’s Time to Act - A Report on the Health and Social Services System in the Northwest Territories
    (June 2001)
  99. Smoke Alarm
    (May 2001)
  100. The Early Childhood Development Framework for Action
    (May 2001)
  101. The Facts About Smoking in the Northwest Territories
    (May 2001)
  102. Towards Literacy: A Strategy Framework 2001-2005 (ECE Publication)
    (March 2001)
  103. Action Plan to Strengthen Tuberculosis Management and Control - An Initial Response to the Report on Tuberculosis Control in the Northwest Territories (Fanning Report)
    (March 2001)
  104. Community Wellness in Action: 1999-2000
    (January 2001)
  105. Community Wellness in Action: 1998-1999
    (November 2000)
  106. Living with Disability... Living with Dignity: Needs Assessment of Persons with Disabilities in the NWT
    (October 2000)
  107. It Takes a Community: A Report to the NWT Department of Health and Social Services on Child Welfare Services in the Northwest Territories
    (May 2000)
  108. 2000 Annual Report - Communities and Diamonds: Socio-economic Impacts on the Communities of £utselk’e, Rae-Edzo, Rae Lakes, Wha Ti, Wekweti, Dettah, Ndilo, and Yellowknife
    (April 2000)
  109. Minister's Forum on Health and Social Services
    (January 2000)
  110. The NWT Health Status Report 1999
    (December 1999)
  111. Annual Report of the Director of Child and Family Services - 1998/1999
    (September 1999)
  112. New Directions: Healthy Choices – Health Promotion Strategy
    (August 1999)
  113. Annual Report of the Superintendent of Child Welfare - 1996/1997 & 1997/1998
    (July 1998)
  114. NWT Breast Feeding Guidebook
    (June 1998)
  115. Shaping Our Future: A Strategic Plan for Health and Wellness
    (June 1998)
  116. Community Wellness in Action: 1996-1997
    (May 1998)
  117. Community Wellness in Action: 1995-1996
    (May 1998)
  118. Recruitment and Retention of Health and Social Services Professionals: A Plan to Address Critical Needs
    (March 1998)
  119. Suicide in the NWT: A Descriptive Report
    (March 1998)
  120. 1998 NWT Help Directory
    (March 1998)
  121. Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Draft Strategic Plan - A Review and Recommendations for An Integrated Health and Social Services System in the Northwest Territories, Canada
    (May 1997)
  122. The Territorial Health Study - Grade 4-10 (ECE Publication)
    (June 1995)



Last Updated: October 3, 2006
