
These manuals are intended for the health and social services professionals working within the NWT Health Care System.

The manuals are listed in chronological order, with the most current listed first.

Feel free to print these resources directly from the online versions.


By Year: (1995-2000) (2001) (2003) (2004) (2005) (2006)

  1. NWT Health Guide for Health Professionals
    (August 2006)
  2. NWT HIV/AIDS Manual for Health Professionals
    (May 2006)
  3. Northwest Territories Certification of Immunizaiton Competence Self-Directed Learning Module for Nurses
    (January 2006)
  4. NWT Health Centre Formulary
    (September 2005)
  5. NWT Health and Social Services System Policies & Directives
    (August 2005)
  6. Our Leadership Role
    (August 2005)
  7. Community Counselling Program Standards and Resources Binder
    (January 2005)
  8. NWT Clinical Practice Guidelines for Primary Community Care Nursing
    (January 2005)
  9. Services Standards and Guidelines for People in Supported Living Homes
    (January 2005)
  10. NWT Physicians Guide
    (August 2004)
  11. NWT Infection Control Manual
    (March 2004)
  12. NWT Community Health Nursing Program Standards and Protocols
    (March 2003)
  13. NWT Tuberculosis Manual
    (March 2003)
  14. NWT Clinical Practice Information Manual
    (January 2001)
  15. NWT Home Care Standards
    (August 2000)
  16. NWT Guidelines on Communicable Disease Exposures For Emergency Responders
    (May 2000)
  17. NWT/Nunavut Communicable Disease Manual
    (May 2000)
  18. Continuing Care Assessment and Placement (CCAP) Package and Handbook
    (February 2000)



Last Updated: August 30, 2006
