Brochures and Fact Sheets for 2005

The brochures and fact sheets are listed in chronological order, with the most current listed first.

Click on the following to view publications by:

Feel free to print these resources directly from the online versions.

By Year: (1995-2000) (2001) (2002) (2003) (2004) (2006) (View All)

  1. Stop TB - What Do I Need To Know?
    (December 2005)
  2. Avian Influenza
    (December 2005)
  3. Myths and Facts about Influenza Vaccine
    (October 2005)
  4. Pneumococcal (PCV-7) Vaccine for children
    (October 2005)
  5. Meningococcal Vaccine
    (October 2005)
  6. Ultraviolet Radiation and the Role of our Ozone
    (August 2005)
  7. Bovine Tuberculosis (TB) Fact Sheet July 2005
    (July 2005)
  8. Tele-Care NWT Review
    (May 2005)
  9. NWT Food Guide
    (March 2005)
  10. Tattooing and Your Health
    (March 2005)
  11. Quitting Smoking? Products and Benefit Programs that can help
    (March 2005)
  12. Home Care in your Community
    (February 2005)
  13. Hantavirus
    (February 2005)
  14. NWT Tobacco Fact Sheets
    (January 2005)



Last Updated: November 6, 2006
