The Federal Government appoints Local Housing Organizations to deliver housing programs to the Northwest Territories. The NWT Housing Council approves the NWT Corporation Ordinance in 1972. 216 units are rehabilitated to provide safe, adequate and affordable housing. More than 60 Local Housing Organizations manage 3,080 housing units.
The NWT Corporation officially begins operations as a Crown Corporation of the GNWT. The Corporation delivers five programs under two categories, rental and purchase. 274 units are built under various initiatives.
Changes are made to give the organization a more "corporate" appearance; the Managing Director is now referred to as President. 108 housing units are constructed and 132 units are rehabilitated. 1983-1984: The Corporation offers 15 programs under two categories, Homeownership and Rentals. The Homeownership Assistance Program is introduced.
Philip Nukapiak, becomes the first Inuit chairman of the Board of the NWT Housing Corporation. The Access Program is introduced.
Design options for homes are expanded to permit barrier-free designs for persons with disabilities. By now the Corporation has constructed more than 6000 houses. Expanded Down Payment Assistance Program is introduced.
The Northwest Territories divides and Nunavut becomes Canada's newest territory. Five new districts are created: Beaufort Delta, Nahendeh, North Slave, South Slave and the Sahtu. 47 Local Housing Organizations are reduced to 23 Organizations. Plan 2000, an initiative to provide better housing to 2000 families is deemed a success.
The Corporation celebrates its 30th anniversary. The 2004 NWT Community needs Survey is completed. Core need has decreased from 20% to 16%. To date the Corporation has assisted many residents of the NWT attain suitable, adequate and affordable housing.

What's New

17/05/06  The Affordable Housing Plan was unveiled today by the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation (NWTHC) and the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA) during the annual general meeting of the Northwest Territories Association of Communities in Yellowknife. See our Press Releases for more information.

20/03/06  A Sod Turning Ceremony was held on March 14, 2006 to celebrate the initial step in the construction of a new 8-plex building specifically designed for persons with disabilities.  You are invited to visit our newsroom for more information.
