News Releases

By Year: (2000) (2001) (2002) (2003) (2004) (2005) (2006)

Other News Releases: (GNWT) (Legislative Assembly)

November 16, 2006

Influenza Vaccine Available to NWT Residents

Health and Social Services Minister Floyd Roland is taking one for the team! The Minister and Chief Medical Officer Dr. Andre Corriveau will receive a flu shot on November 17th at the Vaccination Clinic at Yellowknife City Hall. “I encourage all residents to receive their vaccination and help protect against the flu, so they stay healthy and can participate in activities they enjoy.”

September 25, 2006

NWT Hosts Northwest FASD Ministers’ Meeting

Ministers responsible for the Canada Northwest Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Partnership met in Yellowknife today with the Board of the Research Network to review work plans and to provide direction on research priorities.

September 15, 2006

Tlicho Community Services Agency – Wins Silver IPAC Award

Recognized for its managerial initiatives, the Tlicho Community Services Agency was awarded the Silver Award for Innovative Management by the Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC) at an award ceremony in Prince Edward Island on August 30, 2006.

July 20, 2006

Tlicho Community Service Agency – Top Three Finalist for National Award

The Tlicho Community Service Agency has been selected as one of top three finalists for the Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC) Award for Innovative Management 2006.

May 31, 2006

Students Win When They Butt Out!

To celebrate World No Tobacco Day, the Department of Health and Social Services has announced the winners of the Create the Smoke Free Future creative contest.

April 27, 2006

Create the Smoke-free Future Contest Begins NWT Tour

Northwest Territories (NWT) youth have been vocal about smoking, as people in the NWT will have the opportunity to hear for themselves when a tour of the finalist entries from Create the Smoke-free Future contest begins in Inuvik.

April 20, 2006

Northwest Territories Residents Ready to “Get Active”

The 2006 Get Active challenge was launched today by Municipal and Community Affairs Minister Michael McLeod, along with Health and Social Services Minister Michael Miltenberger and Education Minister Charles Dent. The launch included a challenge to political leaders gathered for the Circle of Northern Leaders meeting, April 19 and 20 in Norman Wells. All attendees of the Circle of Northern Leaders were each given a pedometer to track their steps during the conference, with the person who takes the most steps, to be declared the winner at the end of the meeting.

March 27, 2006

Drop the Pop NWT

“Drop the Pop NWT” is a campaign encouraging northern students and their families to make healthier beverage choices for at least 5 days - from March 27-31, 2006.

January 16, 2006

Butthead Wants Students to Get Creative About Butting Out

Northwest Territories youth are being invited to express themselves about the hazards of smoking for the chance to win some great prizes.

November 15, 2005

2005 Health Status Report Released

The 2005 Health Status Report was released today by Health and Social Services Minister Michael Miltenberger. The report presents information on health conditions and some important determinants of health in the Northwest Territories (NWT).

August 24, 2005

New Nurse Practitioner Guidelines Approved for Northwest Territories

New guidelines that define the appropriate scope of practice for nurse practitioners have been approved for the Northwest Territories, Health and Social Services Minister Michael Miltenberger, announced today.

August 9, 2005

2005 Get Active Community Challenge Winning Communities Announced

People in the Northwest Territories (NWT) love to get active – and the 6,546 entrants in the 2005 Get Active Community Challenge are living proof.

June 3, 2005

NWT Hospital Satisfaction Summary Completed

NWT Hospital Satisfaction Questionnaire summary reports have been released for the four hospitals in the Northwest Territories.

May 31, 2005

Students Celebrate World No Tobacco Day at Legislative Assembly

Today at the Legislative Assembly, Yellowknife students celebrated World No Tobacco Day by showing politicians that they are doing their part to create a smoke free generation.

May 18, 2005

Social Impact Workshops Announced

Plans for three workshops to discuss the social impacts of the proposed Mackenzie Gas Project were announced today by Minister Michael Miltenberger, Minister of Health and Social Services, on behalf of all ministers responsible for social programs, including the Departments of Education, Culture and Employment, Justice and the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation.

March 1, 2005

GET ACTIVE NWT Community Challenge Launched

The GET ACTIVE NWT community challenge was launched today in the Great Hall of the Legislative Assembly by Michael McLeod, Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs, Michael Miltenberger, Minister of Health and Social Services and Charles Dent, Minister of Education, Culture and Employment.

March 1, 2005

Northwest FASD Partnership Announces Inaugural Meeting

The Canada Northwest Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Partnership ministers were pleased to announce the inaugural meeting of a research network board newly-created to address Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).

October 28, 2004

Influenza Vaccine Available to NWT Residents

The Yellowknife Flu Clinic will be administering the influenza vaccination to the Minister of Health and Social Services, Honourable Michael Miltenberger and the Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. André Corriveau.

October 12, 2004

Two Ways to Keep Kids Smoke Free

In a joint effort aimed at reducing the number of youth who take up smoking in the NWT, two complementary initiatives were launched today at the Kaw Tay Whee School.

September 7, 2004

Dreamcatcher North of 60 Tour Launched in the NWT

This weekend the Government of the Northwest will partner with a well-known Canadian singer and actor to bring Northwest Territories caregivers together to discuss suicide in the North.

May 18, 2004

New Telephone Nursing Service

Minister of Health and Social Services, J. Michael Miltenberger, today launched a new service that will provide health and family support advice to NWT residents.

May 6, 2004

New campaign to keep NWT kids smoke free

Minister of Health and Social Services, J. Michael Miltenberger, today unveiled a new and innovative campaign designed to keep young people from ever starting to smoke. Through an animated character, Butthead, the campaign helps youth discover facts about the effects of smoking, and encourages them to make a commitment to be smoke free.

April 6, 2004

GNWT and NWT Physicians Reach Agreement

Minister of Finance, Floyd Roland, Minister of Health and Social Services, J. Michael Miltenberger, and the President of the NWT Medical Association, Dr. Nicholas Ivanans, are pleased to announce the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Northwest Territories’ Medical Association have reached an agreement on contract terms for both general practitioners and specialist physicians.

February 24, 2004

New Report Profiles Cancer in the NWT

A new report summarizing cancer in the Northwest Territories over a 10-year period indicates that the overall cancer rate is low but lung cancer kills more people in the NWT than any other cancer.

January 27, 2004

GNWT To Begin Meningitis Vaccination Program

The Government of the Northwest Territories is conducting an NWT-wide vaccination program for all school-aged children against a bacterium that can cause meningitis.

January 22, 2004

Teen Smoking - Major Problem for NWT

A Government of the Northwest Territories survey shows that over one-quarter (26%) of youth in the Northwest Territories smoke - well above the national rate of 19%.

December 15, 2003

Cabinet Portfolios Assigned

Promising a positive and united effort on behalf of all residents of the Northwest Territories, Premier Joe Handley today announced portfolio assignments for his new Cabinet.

October 3, 2003

Minister Appoints Public Administrator For Sahtu Health and Social Services Authority

Minister of Health and Social Services J. Michael Miltenberger has appointed Judith Wright-Bird as the Public Administrator for the Sahtu Health and Social Services Authority.

August 29, 2003

Accord Will Strengthen Voice of Northern Canadians

Territorial premiers will be in Cambridge Bay next week to sign a cooperation accord that will strengthen the North’s voice on the national stage.

August 28, 2003

Draft Water Management Strategy Released

The Government of the Northwest Territories today released its draft framework and strategy for the management of drinking water in the NWT.

August 6, 2003

Premier Recognizes Excellence in Public Service

Premier Stephen Kakfwi has announced the 2003 recipients of the Premier’s Award for Excellence. The award is presented annually to public service employees in the Northwest Territories who have demonstrated excellence innovation and dedication in their work.

July 30, 2003

Board Chairs To Continue Providing Advice and Guidance To The Stanton Territorial Hospital

The board chairs from the seven Health and Social Services Authorities, through the Joint Leadership Council, will continue to provide the Stanton Territorial Hospital with advice and broad guidance on issues, thereby ensuring regional and community input into the decision making process.

June 19, 2003

GNWT and Specialists Reach an Agreement

Minister of Health and Social Services, J. Michael Miltenberger and President of the NWT Medical Association, Dr. Ken Seethram are pleased to announce that the Government of the Northwest Territories and NWT Physician Specialists have reached an agreement on contract terms.

June 13, 2003

Changes to Medical Travel Policy Reduce Burden

Minister of Health and Social Services, J. Michael Miltenberger, today announced interim changes to the medical travel policy to reduce travel costs for NWT patients without third party insurance coverage.

June 12, 2003

Minister Questions Written Consent for NIHB

Minister of Health and Social Services, J. Michael Miltenberger has joined Nunavut Health Minister Ed Picco in voicing concerns over the federal government’s requirement to have signed consent from First Nations and Inuit people accessing the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) program.

June 3, 2003

Specialist Negotiations End Without Contracts

Minister of Health and Social Services J. Michael Miltenberger announced today that negotiations with physician specialists, as a group, have ended with specialists declining the offer by the Government of the Northwest Territories to resolve differences through binding arbitration.

May 9, 2003

Contingency Plan Developed for Specialist Services

Minister of Health and Social Services J. Michael Miltenberger says the Stanton Territorial Health Authority will have a contingency plan in place, to ensure continued access to specialist services, should a number of physician specialists resign on July 1, 2003.

April 28, 2003

New Inuvik Hospital Starts Move-In

Phase I construction of the new Inuvik Regional Hospital is now complete and the Inuvik Regional Health and Social Services Authority is now carrying out its carefully planned transfer of programs and services from the old facility into the new one.

April 25, 2003

Stanton Hospital Board to be Re-established

Minister of Health and Social Services J. Michael Miltenberger has announced plans to re-establish a Board of Management for the Stanton Territorial Health Authority.

April 3, 2003

Northern Premiers Iron out Details of Health Deal with Ottawa

Canada’s three territorial Premiers have worked out details to a framework health care agreement they reached with the Prime Minister in February. The deal reflects the federal government’s recognition that northerners have unique healthcare funding requirements.

March 18, 2003

Premiers Fentie and Kakfwi Sign Intergovernmental Accord

Yukon Premier Dennis Fentie and Northwest Territories Premier Stephen Kakfwi have signed an Intergovernmental Relations Accord identifying key issues of mutual interest and fostering a co-operative working approach for the two territories.

March 12, 2003

Changes for NWT Workers’ Compensation Act

Minister Responsible for the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) Joe Handley today introduced the first in a set of amendments designed to update and revitalize the Northwest Territories workers’ compensation system.

February 20, 2003

Premiers Announce Progress on Health Care

The Premiers of the Territories today announced a step forward in addressing the health care crisis in the North. The territories received a floor of $60 million for a special health fund and a personal commitment from Prime Minister Jean Chrétien to find a more equitable long-term fiscal funding arrangement.

February 17, 2003

NWT to get Tough on Impaired Drivers

Minister of Transportation Joe Handley has introduced tough new legislation to combat impaired driving in the Northwest Territories.

February 17, 2003

Territorial Premiers in Ottawa for Budget

Northern premiers have returned to Ottawa on the eve of the tabling of the federal budget in the hopes that Prime Minister Jean Chretien will respond to their requests for a meeting to discuss the health care crisis in the North.

February 15, 2003

Legacy of Neglect Continues

Prime Minister Jean Chretien has failed to live up to his promise to address the dire health needs of Canadians in the North, the Premiers of Nunavut, the Northwest Territories and the Yukon said today.

February 13, 2003

2003-04 NWT Budget Lays Out Fiscal Challenge

In his 2003-04 Budget Address to the Legislative Assembly, Finance Minister Joe Handley today laid out the fiscal challenge facing the Government of the Northwest Territories. Despite a growing economy, revenues remain inadequate to meet the needs of NWT residents.

February 6, 2003

Health care deal fails Canadians living in the North

Territorial premiers say they refused to accept a new health care deal with the federal government because it failed to address the pressing circumstances of Canadians in the North.

February 3, 2003

Premiers Agree on Fair Deal for the Territories – Will the Prime Minister?

The Premiers of Nunavut, the Northwest Territories and the Yukon and are looking to the federal government to support the creation of an independent fund that recognizes the unique challenges of providing health care services in Canada’s North.

January 22, 2003

Legislation to Help NWT Become Smoke-Free

Minister of Health and Social Services J. Michael Miltenberger, says legislation for smoke-free public and work places, and greater control on how tobacco is sold, will bring the NWT one step closer to being smoke-free.

December 9, 2002

Federal Government Still Not Clear on Health Funding

Minister of Health and Social Services J. Michael Miltenberger, says he will continue to lobby his colleagues and the federal government to support a floor for the allocation of federal health care resources.

December 4, 2002

Kakfwi, Fentie Meet to Discuss Several Issues

Premier Dennis Fentie of the Yukon Territory and Premier Stephen Kakfwi of the Northwest Territories had their first face to face meeting today only three days after Premier Fentie was sworn in.

December 3, 2002

Minister Announces Additional Resources for Health Care

The Government of the Northwest Territories will invest an additional $8.3 million in human resources for the NWT’s health and social services system Minister of Health and Social Services, J. Michael Miltenberger announced today.

November 29, 2002

Premier Welcomes Romanow Recommendations

Premier Stephen Kakfwi says he’s pleased to see priorities raised by the Government of the Northwest Territories reflected in yesterday’s report of the Royal Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada.

November 28, 2002

Minister Accepts Recommendations of Stanton Board

Minister of Health and Social Services J. Michael Miltenberger has accepted the recommendation of the Stanton Territorial Health Board to terminate the employment of their Chief Executive Officer.

November 15, 2002

Operational Review of Stanton Hospital Released

Minister of Health and Social Services Michael Miltenberger says results of the Stanton Territorial Health Authority Operational Review will ensure that Yellowknife’s Stanton Hospital continues to provide high quality care for all residents of the Northwest Territories.

November 14, 2002

Minister Releases NWT Recruitment and Retention Plan

Minister of Health and Social Services, Michael Miltenberger, today released the Retention and Recruitment Plan for NWT Allied Health Professionals, Nurses and Social Workers.

November 7, 2002

Minister Receives Final Report on the Stanton Operational Review

Today, the Minister of Health and Social Services, J. Michael Miltenberger, received the final report on the Operational Review of Stanton Territorial Health Authority from independent consultants brought in for this project.

October 31, 2002

“Doing Our Part” the GNWT Responds to the NWT Social Agenda

The Government of the Northwest Territories today tabled its response to recommendations made by the Social Agenda Working Group in June 2002.

September 30, 2002

NWT Participates in Canada-Wide Reporting on Health Indicators

Minister of Health and Social Services, J. Michael Miltenberger says a new reporting framework initiated by provincial and territorial Health Ministers will provide a consistent basis for jurisdictions to compare, improve and reform their health care systems. The 2002 Report to Residents of the NWT on Comparable Health and Health System Indicators was made available today.

September 27, 2002

Premiers Launch Public Awareness Campaign for Health Care Funding

Premier Stephen Kakfwi says he hopes a national advertising campaign launched by Canada’s Premiers will increase Canadians’ awareness to health care challenges brought about by the reduction of federal funding.

September 25, 2002

Stanton Operational Review Commences

Minister of Health and Social Services, J. Michael Miltenberger, today announced that the operational review of the Stanton Territorial Health Authority is underway.

September 3, 2002

Minister of Health and Social Services Orders Stanton Review

Minister of Health and Social Services Michael Miltenberger today ordered an operational review of the Stanton Territorial Hospital in Yellowknife.

August 28, 2002

Recruitment and Retention of Nurses is Top Priority for H&SS; Minister

Minister of Health and Social Services Michael Miltenberger says the recruitment and retention of nurses continues to be the number one priority for his Department and health and social services authorities in the NWT.

July 2, 2002

Premier Announces Changes to Deputy Minister Appointments

YELLOWKNIFE (July 2) – Premier Stephen Kakfwi has today announced that three senior public servants will be assigned new responsibilities.

June 5, 2002

GNWT Takes Action on Review of Seniors Programs

Minister of Health and Social Services and Minister Responsible for Seniors J. Michael Miltenberger says government actions to improve programs and services for NWT seniors will produce tangible results over the course of one year.

May 31, 2002

Government Takes Action on Tobacco

Marking World No Tobacco Day, Minister of Health and Social Services, J. Michael Miltenberger today released the GNWT’s "Action On Tobacco" strategy.

May 29, 2002

Miltenberger Meets with Federal Health Minister

Minister of Health and Social Services, J. Michael Miltenberger says a meeting with federal Minister of Health Anne McLellan will provide the basis for continuing collaboration between the territorial and federal governments.

May 16, 2002

Premier and Minister Call for Improvements to Canada’s Health System

Minister of Health and Social Services, Michael Miltenberger says a comprehensive and integrated approach is needed to improve health care in Canada. The Minister and NWT Premier Stephen Kakfwi spoke today to the Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada presenting eleven specific recommendations to its Commissioner Roy Romanow.

April 23, 2002

Minister Announces Task Force on Organ and Tissue Donation

Minister of Health and Social Services, J. Michael Miltenberger today announced the appointment of a task force to review options for establishing an organ donor registry for the Northwest Territories.

April 23, 2002

Minister Commends Retailers for Compliance with Tobacco Act

Minister of Health and Social Services, J. Michael Miltenberger today congratulated retailers in Hay River and Enterprise for their compliance with the federal Tobacco Act.

April 9, 2002

Ministers Agree on Common Approach to Strengthening Recreation and Sport

Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs Vince Steen and his colleagues responsible for sport, recreation and fitness in Canada have endorsed the first-ever Canadian sport policy. Ministers endorsed the policy during their meetings in Iqaluit, Nunavut April 5-7, 2002.

March 18, 2002

Kakfwi says NWT has Strength and Resources in People

Premier Stephen Kakfwi says the people of the Northwest Territories have initiated dramatic changes in their society but how issues such as FAS and FAE are addressed will still make or break the future of the NWT.

March 18, 2002

Minister Says FAS Symposium Successful

Minister of Health and Social Services Michael Miltenberger says an FAS Symposium in Yellowknife this weekend provided an excellent opportunity to discuss comprehensive and coordinated efforts to combat the reality of fetal alcohol syndrome.

February 7, 2002

Health Services Report Highlights Need for Healthy Choices

The cost of health services provided in the Northwest Territories for the treatment of preventable injuries due to accidents, heart attacks and strokes highlights the importance of prevention, health promotion and healthy lifestyle choices,” Minister of Health and Social Services, J. Michael Miltenberger said today.

February 2, 2002

Joint Leadership Council Begins Work to Implement Action Plan

The newly formed Joint Leadership Council (JLC), responsible for the implementation of the Department of Health and Social Services (H&SS;) Action Plan 2002-2005, met for the first time in Yellowknife Friday, February 1, 2002.

January 25, 2002

Family Literacy Day Provides Opportunity to Build Stronger Families

Minister of Education, Culture and Employment Jake Ootes says literacy is not just about reading, writing and arithmetic. He is encouraging all NWT families to use Family Literacy Day January 27, 2002 as a time to strengthen their families through communication.

January 24, 2002

NWT Help Directory to be Valuable Tool for H&SS; Professionals

The Department of Health and Social Services (H&SS;) today released its 2001 NWT Help Directory.

November 7, 2001

Kakfwi Shuffles Cabinet to Reflect Challenges

Premier Stephen Kakfwi has shuffled his Cabinet to provide a more co-ordinated approach to the management of energy portfolios and to formalize Cabinet responsibilities for Thebacha MLA Michael Miltenberger.

November 2, 2001

Delegates Attend Primary Health Care Conference

Ninety delegates from the health and social services system in the Northwest Territories are attending a primary health care conference today in Yellowknife hosted by The Department of Health and Social Services in partnership with Health Canada.

November 1, 2001

Miltenberger to be Minister of Health and Social Services

Premier Stephen Kakfwi has assigned the responsibility for the Department of Health and Social Services to Thebacha MLA Michael Miltenberger.

October 17, 2001

Council of Grandmothers Identifies Key Themes for Wellness

The Council of Grandmothers met in Yellowknife Monday in their continuing role to provide Minister of Health and Social Services Jane Groenewegen with advice and guidance on social development.

September 27, 2001

Health Ministers’ Meeting Provides Good Forum for NWT Interests

Minister of Health and Social Services Jane Groenewegen says this week’s Federal/Provincial/Territorial Meeting of Health Ministers has provided a forum for the discussion of important issues to the NWT.

September 25, 2001

Territorial Health Ministers to Meet in Yellowknife in November

Minister of Health and Social Services Jane Groenewegen says she and her colleagues from Nunavut and the Yukon will meet in Yellowknife November 3-4, 2001 to focus on key issues facing health and social services delivery in the North.

September 19, 2001

Government Launches Early Childhood Development Action Plan

Minister of Health and Social Services, Jane Groenewegen and Minister of Education, Culture and Employment, Jake Ootes today launched the Early Childhood Development Action Plan.

September 19, 2001

Premier Appoints Minister Responsible for Disabled

NWT Premier Stephen Kakfwi has appointed Hay River South MLA Jane Groenewegen as the Minister Responsible for the Disabled.

September 18, 2001

Minister Outlines GNWT Plans to Revitalize Health and Social Services

Minister of Health and Social Services Jane Groenewegen today introduced the GNWT’s plans for a series of actions to revitalize health and social services in the Northwest Territories. These plans are the result of a comprehensive eight-month review of the NWT’s health and social services system and reflect the advice of NWT leaders, residents and health care professionals.

September 7, 2001

International FAS Awareness Day - September 9, 2001

September 9, 2001 is designated International Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Awareness Day.

September 7, 2001

Minister responds to Recommendations on TB Control

Minister of Health and Social Services, Jane Groenewegen, today responded publicly to recommendations made by a Coroner’s Jury to address the control of Tuberculosis in the Northwest Territories.

July 26, 2001

NWT Premier Pleased by Ontario’s Position on Per Capita Funding

NWT Premier Stephen Kakfwi says Ontario Premier, Mike Harris is supporting his call for new funding arrangements for federal programs. The two leaders met over breakfast this morning in Yellowknife.

July 23, 2001

Groenewegen Resigns as Deputy Premier

Minister of Health and Social Services Jane Groenewegen has tendered her resignation as the Deputy Premier.

July 17, 2001

Health And Social Services Joint Leadership Council Meets

Minister of Health and Social Services, Jane Groenewegen and the Chairpersons of the Northwest Territories health and social services boards, met in Yellowknife last week.

July 16, 2001

Minister Extends Public Consultation Period on Health and Social Services System Review

Minister of Health and Social Services, Jane Groenewegen today announced that she has extended the deadline for members of the public to provide comments on the recommendations contained in It’s Time to Act: A Report on the Health and Social Services System of the NWT.

June 25, 2001

Minister Releases Report on Health and Social Services System Review

Minister of Health and Social Services Jane Groenewegen today released a report on the health and social services system review. It’s Time To Act was commissioned by the Minister to provide an evaluation of core health and social services programs in the NWT and to make tangible recommendations for positive change.

June 8, 2001

Minister Says Review on Health and Social Services due June 25

Minister of Health and Social Services Jane Groenewegen today announced that the report on the Health and Social Services System Review will be released June 25, 2001.

May 31, 2001

Release of New Report on Smoking in the NWT

Minister of Health and Social Services, Jane Groenewegen, today released Smoke Alarm! A Summary Report on Smoking in the Northwest Territories.

May 28, 2001

Council of Grandmothers Formed

Minister of Health and Social Services Jane Groenewegen has established a Council of Grandmothers to provide advice on promoting healthy individuals and communities and address health and social issues. The council held its first meeting May 23rd in Yellowknife.

May 22, 2001

NWT Residents Challenged to be more Physically Active

Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs Roger Allen and Minister of Health and Social Services Jane Groenewegen invite all NWT residents to be more physically active during SummerActive 2001.

May 16, 2001

Social Agenda Conference to Sharpen Focus on Social Issues in the NWT

Social service providers, Aboriginal leaders, Cabinet ministers and MLAs will meet to discuss social issues in the Northwest Territories at an upcoming Social Agenda Conference June 18 - 20 on the Hay River Reserve.

May 14, 2001

Construction Contract Awarded for Inuvik Regional Health and Social Service Centre

Minister of Health and Social Services Jane Gronewegen, Minister of Public Works and Services Vince Steen and Chair of the Inuvik Region Health and Social Services Board Nellie Cournoyea today announced that the construction contract for the new Health and Social Services Centre in Inuvik has been awarded to a joint venture partnership of Uummarmiut Development Corporation and the Nihtat Gwich’in Development Corporation.

March 15, 2001

Response to the Report on TB Control Released

Minister of Health and Social Services Jane Groenewegen today released a response to the Report on Tuberculosis Control in the Northwest Territories.

March 13, 2001

Premier Announces Changes to Deputy Minister Appointments

Premier Stephen Kakfwi today announced that the Deputy Ministers of the Department of Education, Culture and Employment and the Department of Health and Social Services will exchange job responsibilities.

February 23, 2001

Findings of TB Report Released

Minister of Health and Social Services, Jane Groenewegen, today released the main findings of the review she commissioned on the state of tuberculosis (TB) program delivery in the NWT.

February 9, 2001

Physicians Recognized for Contribution To NWT Health Care

Minister of Health and Social Services Jane Groenewegen, today recognized the contribution of NWT physicians to the improved health and well being of residents in the Northwest Territories.

February 6, 2001

Minister Meets with Fort Smith Health and Social Services Board

Minister of Health and Social Services Jane Groenewegen met with the Fort Smith Health and Social Services Board last week to discuss a joint plan of action to ensure the ongoing stability of health and social service delivery in Fort Smith.

January 22, 2001

Minister Appoints Trustees to Stanton Regional Health Board

Minister of Health and Social Services, Jane Groenewegen, today announced the appointments of Bernadette Stewart and David Wind as trustees to the Stanton Regional Health Board.

January 16, 2001

Minister Introduces Plan for Reform of NWT Health and Social Services System

Minister of Health and Social Services (H&SS;) J. Michael Miltenberger today released his department’s plan to improve the delivery of health and social services to the people of the Northwest Territories.

November 30, 2000

Premier Re-assigns Cabinet Portfolio

Premier Stephen Kakfwi has appointed Jane Groenewegen as the Minister Responsible for Seniors. Mrs. Groenewegen assumes the portfolio from Vince Steen, MLA for Nunakput, who will continue as Minister of Public Works and Services and Transportation.

November 6, 2000

Collaborative Effort Produces Disabilities Survey and Report

Minister of Health and Social Services Jane Groenewegen and Minister of Education, Culture and Employment Jake Ootes today joined with the NWT Council for Disabled Persons, Yellowknife Association for Community Living and the YWCA of Yellowknife to release Living with Disability… Living with Dignity: A Needs Assessment of Persons with Disabilities in the NWT.

November 1, 2000

Women and Children’s Healing and Recovery Program Launched

Minister of Health and Social Services, Jane Groenewegen, in co-operation with a number of key partners, today announced the launch of the Women and Children’s Healing and Recovery Program.

October 30, 2000

Family Violence Awareness Week

The Department of Health and Social Services has proclaimed October 30th to November 5th as the NWT’s first annual Family Violence Awareness Week.

September 8, 2000

Premier to attend First Minister’s Meeting

Premier Stephen Kakfwi will travel to Ottawa this weekend to discuss with the Prime Minister and first Ministers the restoration of federal health funding to the provinces and territories.

August 23, 2000

New Inuvik Hospital Underway

Minister of Health and Social Services, Jane Groenewegen today announced the $37 million replacement for the current Inuvik Regional Hospital will go ahead. The project includes $3 million in start-up work to be carried out this year.

August 8, 2000

New Plan Introduced for Yellowknife Family Physicians

A new agreement will change how Yellowknife physicians are compensated for the services they provide, and give them clearer terms of service for their practices. The Minister of Health and Social Services, Yellowknife physicians and the Yellowknife Health and Social Services Board introduced the plan in a joint news conference this afternoon.

June 9, 2000

Understanding Canada’s Health Care Costs

Today Premier Lucien Bouchard, on behalf of all provincial and territorial premiers released Understanding Canada’s Health Care Costs, An Interim Report. Copies of the report have been provided to the Prime Minister and the federal Minister of Health Allan Rock.

May 26, 2000

GNWT Targets Tobacco with Public Awareness Campaign

The Department of Health and Social Services is releasing a series of ten public-awareness television advertisements in recognition of World No-Tobacco Day, Wednesday May 31, 2000.

May 17, 2000

Inuvik Regional Health Facility to Proceed as GNWT-Owned Project

The Government of the Northwest Territories will build a new regional Health and Social Services Centre in Inuvik but not as a Public/Private Partnership (P3) pilot project as originally planned.

May 11, 2000

NWT Attends Prairie Initiative to Address FAS

This week the NWT will join with Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Nunavut and the Yukon to continue work on the development of a shared approach to address Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAS/FAE).

March 27, 2000

Larry Elkin Appointed Chairperson of Stanton Regional Health Board

Minister of Health and Social Services Jane Groenewegen today announced the appointment of Larry Elkin as chairperson of the Stanton Regional Health Board.

March 20, 2000

NWT Social Work Week - March 20 - 26, 2000

Minister of Health and Social Services Jane Groenewegen and President of the Association of Social Workers in Northern Canada Nuelle Novik are encouraging NWT residents to recognize the valuable contribution social workers make in building healthy communities.

February 22, 2000

Health and Social Services Partnership Assures Physician Care for Residents

Residents of the Northwest Territories will continue to have access to fully qualified physicians, even if their physician takes a leave of absence, thanks to an agreement announced today.

February 17, 2000

Health and Social Services Minister Releases Final Report of the Minister’s Forum

Minister of Health and Social Services, Jane Groenewegen today released the final report of the seven-member Minister’s Forum on Health and Social Services.

February 3, 2000

February 6-12 Mental Health Week in the NWT

Mental Health Week will be celebrated in the NWT from February 6th to 12th, Minister of Health and Social Services, Jane Groenewegen announced today. This year's theme is "Daily Stress Can Throw You Off Balance". All residents are encouraged to participate by making mental health a personal priority.

January 31, 2000

Discussions Underway on Alternate Payment Methods for Physicians

The Department of Health and Social Services and the NWT Medical Association are working together to find alternative ways to recruit, retain and compensate physicians in the Northwest Territories.

January 27, 2000

Information for Seniors Now Available on The Internet

Minister Responsible for Seniors, Vince Steen today announced the creation of a new web site to provide seniors with up-to-date information on a wide range of federal, provincial, and territorial policies, programs and services.

January 24, 2000

Cabinet Portfolios Assigned

Premier Stephen Kakfwi has announced the following portfolio assignments for the Cabinet ministers who were elected last week.

January 14, 2000

Northerners urged to quit smoking “for the health of it”

The Department of Health and Social Services is launching an aggressive quit smoking campaign in recognition of National Non-Smoking Week, January 17 – 23.

January 12, 2000

Department of Health and Social Services and UNW Join Forces

The Department of Health and Social Services and the Union of Northern Workers (UNW) are uniting to address problems of workplace health, safety and well-being. The goal of the participants is improved working conditions for health and social services workers across the NWT.


Last Updated: November 08, 2006
