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Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice

Current Issue :

  • The State of Critical Scholarship in Criminology and Socio-Legal Studies in Canada.
  • Pioneering Critical Criminology in Canada.
  • “So what does all of this have to do with criminology?”: Surviving the Restructuring of the Discipline in the Twenty-First Century.
  • Critical Criminology and Possibility in the Neo-liberal Ethos.
  • Governing on the Margins: Exploring the Contributions of Governmentality Studies to Critical Criminology in Canada.
  • Governmentality, Critical Criminology, and the Absent Norm.
  • Re-imagining a Feminist Criminology.
  • Husband Abuse: Equality with a Vengeance?
  • Les femmes et l’isolement cellulaire au Canada: un défi de l’esprit sur la matière.
  • Coroners’ Interested Advocacy : Understanding Wrongful Accusations and Convictions.
  • Hated Identities: Queers and Canadian Anti-hate Legislation.

... more details : click here

Contact Us

Canadian Criminal Justice Association


(613) 725-3715
(613) 725-3720

1750, Courtwood Crescent, # 308
Ottawa, ON
K2C 2B5

Congress 2007
Coming Events

November 9 – 12 :
6th National Harm Reduction Conference, Oakland California, USA

January 20 - 24 :
American Correctional Association - 2007 Winter Conference, Tampa, Florida, U.S.A.

August 11 – 16 :
137th Congress of Correction, Kansas City, MO, USA.

... more events : click here

Briefs and Articles

Parole and Public Safety: A Public Forum

Aboriginal Peoples and the Criminal Justice System

Report on 29th Canadian Congress on Criminal Justice

Safer Communities

Prison Overcrowding and the Reintegration of Offenders

Book Reviews

... more Book Reviews : click here

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