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NWT Court Library System

Catalogue Search

Keyword(s) (Subject, or Title, or Author)


Search hints:
  • Except for apostrophes, you do not need to use any punctuation to perform a search of an exact title or author.
          Example : Watt's manual will search for the phrase "watt s manual"
  • Use / to broaden your search - as an OR
          Example : discrimination / racism will search for either discrimination OR racism
  • Use a & to narrow your search - as an AND
          Example : 2000 & firearms will search for both keyword terms
  • Use an * to truncate your search term
          Example : Abus* will find abuse, abused, abusing, or abusive

New to the Shelf - November 6, 2006

Retrieval software: DB/Text WebPublisher, provided by
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