
Errors have occurred on page 5 of the March/April 1997 issue of EpiNorth (volume 9, number 2), in tables three and five, giving the five most commonly diagnosed cancers by ethnic groups. The tables should read as follows:

Table 3: Five Most Commonly Diagnosed Cancers in Inuit People — 1990-96

Men Women

Lung 51 Cervix 62
Oral Cavity 17 Lung 39
Colon and Rectum 11 Breast 15
Stomach 11 Colon and Rectum 12
Prostate 6 Oral Cavity 9


Table 5: Five Most Commonly Diagnosed Cancers in Non-Aboriginals — 1990-96

Men Women

Lung 23 Cervix 55
Prostate 11 Breast 34
Colon and Rectum 7 Colon and Rectum 14
Oral Cavity 6 Lung 12
Kidney 4 Ovaries 7

This error has already been corrected in the pdf version of the March/April 1997 EpiNorth on this website.