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Due to a change in the publishing policy of the Legislative Assembly, the Hansard will not be available until further notice. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Disclaimer - Please Read
Transcripts identified as unedited transcripts are unverified and subject to correction. The unedited transcripts are not an official verbatim report of the Legislative Assembly. The accuracy of the words and phrases contained in these pages has yet to be checked. As this is an unedited transcript, direct quotes may not be used as Members and witnesses have until 10:00 a.m. the morning following receipt of the transcript to make corrections in the event they have been misquoted. The edited Hansard is the official verbatim report of the proceedings of the Legislature and in the event of any disputes between the edited and unedited transcripts, the Hansard is the document of record.

Hansard - 15th Assembly

Hansard - 14th Assembly

Hansard - 13th Assembly

Please note: the Hansard documents are organized into folders by Assembly (e.g. "14th Assembly") and then further organized into Sessions (e.g. "1st Session"). Each Hansard is named according to its particular Assembly date - for example "Hn990908.pdf" is the Hansard for September 8th, 1999.

AcrobatTo view the Hansard documents on this page, you need to have Adobe's Acrobat Reader installed. If you do not have it already installed, click here to download.