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Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives

 Revised July 2006

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Anthrax Disease

Cause of Anthrax

Anthrax is generally a disease of livestock, especially cattle. It is caused by the bacteria Bacillus anthracis. The disease has occurred in cattle in Manitoba in 2000, 2001 and 2003 and in cattle and horses in 2005 and 2006. Distribution has recently been limited to the southern part of the province (note Anthrax in Manitoba map  dated Aug 10, 2006)

Threat of Anthrax

The disease is generally found in most regions of the world where livestock are raised. If identified early, it may be treated but generally control is by vaccination.

Symptoms of Anthrax Disease in Cattle

The symptoms are difficult to describe because the disease kills the animals so rapidly. There may be high body temperatures, bloody discharges and swelling of the various body parts. The symptoms can be similar to blackleg and malignant oedema in cattle because of the sudden death.

What to Do

Be watchful for any unusual deaths that occur suddenly and get an accurate diagnosis. Your veterinarian will notify the proper authorities. This is a reportable disease in Canada.

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An appropriate vaccination for anthrax is available for cattle but it is generally not cost effective because of the sporadic nature of the disease from year to year. Vaccination is only advised in those herds where there has been a recent history of anthrax in the immediate area where the cattle are raised. In Manitoba, this would include a small portion of the southeast part of the province.



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