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Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives

October 2006

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Events and Workshops

Milling & Grading
November 16th - Days Inn, Portage la Prairie
Instructor: Gene Wengert, Wood Doctor Rx Learn to maximize high-grade lumber from every log you mill! This workshop combines milling for grade theory with a practical demonstration, and an introduction to hardwood lumber grading. [Download poster in pdf format]

Hardwood Lumber Drying
November 17th - Days Inn, Portage la Prairie
Instructor: Gene Wengert, Wood Doctor Rx Learn how to handle and air dry lumber like a pro! This workshop focuses on how to control hardwood lumber quality through careful handling, stacking, stickering and covering.

Hardwood Kiln Drying
November 18th - Days Inn, Portage la Prairie
Instructor: Gene Wengert, Wood Doctor Rx If you own or are thinking about building a kiln, then this workshop is for you! Learn how to maintain lumber quality and maximize profits by kiln drying. This workshop includes presentations on types of kilns, as well as design requirements to ensure uniform drying. Other topics include lumber handling, drying schedules, and operating procedures.

For more information, contact Carol Graham @ 741-0490. 

Other Proposed Workshops

Private Land Logger Training (MAFRI)
(Tentatively February or March)
Day 1 – Harvest Job Site Layout
Day 2 – Light on the Land Skidding
Phone (204) 433-3078

Chainsaw Maintenance and Felling (MAFRI & WAM)
Dates and locations subject to local demand.  Get a group of up to 8 in your community together and let us know!
Phone (204) 385-3492

Circular Saw Maintenance (MAFRI)
(Tentatively December or January)

Lean Manufacturing (one day a week for 8 weeks) – Winnipeg
(Manitoba Conservation Forestry & Forintek)
Phone (204) 925-1409

Woodlot Association of Manitoba (WAM) Annual General Meeting
(late January date and location to be determined)
Phone (204) 453-3182

Afforestation Workshop
(tentatively February 14 in the Interlake)
Phone (204) 925-1409

Bandsaw Maintenance & Operation
If you're having problems with your mill or you need to improve your milling efficiency, please let us know.  MAFRI is considering use of a mentor to assist with on-site training.
Phone (204) 433-3078

Previous Agro Woodlot Education Events

Woodlot Association of Manitoba – Stand Improvement Workshop, Gimli Area
April 29, 2005
Location: Eight miles north of Gimli on PTH 8 400 m north of intersection of Glen Bay Road (Mile 119 N) and PTH 8.
Cost: $10 including lunch.
Time: 10:00 am
Topics: We will be demonstrating how to do a basic timber cruise to determine the volume, age and health of trees in a woodlot. From this we will show how to select which trees to remove to promote maximum growth and health of the stand while preserving recreational values and wildlife habitat. Tree thinning and pruning equipment will be demonstrated along with other tools for the woodlot owner. Participants can try out professional forestry instruments and learn to make their own simple tools for estimating tree height and volume. Advance registration is requested.
For information: Contact Allan Webb at 467-8648 or

Wealth in Woodlots
October 25, 2005 - Boissevain
December 14, 2005 - Ste. Rose
If you have questions about woodlot management or have been wondering about woodlot management, then this two and a half hour workshop is perfect for you. Agro Woodlot staff provide a brief history of the Program, discuss frequently asked questions and explain the management process from forest inventory to timber sales agreements.
Presenters: Manitoba Agro Woodlot Program staff

So You Wanna Be a Logger?
October 29, 2005 - Onanole; Smoky Hollow
October 30, 2005 - Winnipeg; Greenwood Inn, Wellington Avenue
Have you been considering starting up a logging business? Maybe you’re thinking about expanding your existing logging operation. Here is your chance to understand how to match equipment in a harvesting system, so that you can maximize productivity and profitability.
Presenters: Dr. Reino Pulkki and Pat Cybulski (Lakehead University)

Bandsaw Mill Alignment and Bandsaw Sharpening
November 8, 2005 - Treherne; T’E’L Centre
December 8, 2005 - Morris ; Morris Stampede Grounds
If you are having problems sawing lumber, this workshop will help you understand how to decide if you have a problem with your mill or your bandsaw blades. This practical workshop explains how to align a bandsaw mill as well as demonstrates how to sharpen and set bandsaw blades.
Workshops are limited to 15 participants.
Presenter: Fred Tait

Milling for Grade
January 21, 2006 – Brandon Canad Inns
January 22, 2006 – Selkirk Recreation Complex

Low Impact and Riverbottom Logging Hardwood Management
February 21, 2006 – Portage la Prairie, Syngenta Research Station
February 22, 2006 – Morris, Southern Manitoba Convention Centre

Woodlot Taxation
February 22, 2006 – Selkirk - Smitty’s Restaurant

Stand Improvement Workshop
April 29, 2006 – Gimli
How to do a basic timber cruise to determine the volume, age and health of trees in a woodlot. From this we will show how to select which trees to remove to promote maximum growth and health of the stand while preserving recreational values and wildlife habitat. Tree thinning and pruning equipment will be demonstrated along with other tools for the woodlot owner. Participants can try out professional forestry instruments and learn to make their own simple tools for estimating tree height and volume. Advance registration is requested.

Sandilands Forest Centre Field Day – Hadashville
August 25 - (Manitoba Forestry Association)
Phone (204) 453-3182

Developing a Wood Products Business - Thompson
September 14 - (Manitoba Conservation Forestry & Forintek)
Phone (204) 627-8505

Manitoba Christmas Tree Grower’s Association (MCTGA) Annual General Meeting Sandilands Forest Centre
September 16 - (Hadashville)
Phone (204) 453-3182

Woodlot Association of Manitoba (WAM) Fall Field Day -
September 30 - Mike James' Woodlot (Grand Beach)
Phone (204) 453-3182

Sanding & Finishing – Winnipeg >>more information (pdf format)
October 24, 2006 - (Manitoba Conservation Forestry, Forintek & MAFRI)
Phone (204) 925-1409


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The Manitoba Agro Woodlot program is part of the federal-provincial Agricultural Policy Framework (APF).


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