Manitoba Government News Release:
Information Services, Room 29, Legislative Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 0V8 Telephone: (204) 
945-3746 Fax: (204) 945-3988


July 31, 2006



Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Minister Rosann Wowchuk today announced a new program that will provide a free veterinary examination of dead and live birds submitted by small flock owners to the province’s veterinary laboratory.

“This program is the logical next step in detecting the arrival of Asian strains of avian influenza in Manitoba,” said Wowchuk.  “The focus is to help owners of small and backyard flocks get information regarding any disease problems diagnosed in their birds.  Larger poultry producers already have significant bio-security measures in place to monitor the health of their flocks.”

Any high mortality or large egg production drop in flocks over two weeks of age is a good reason to submit birds for testing.  Dead or live birds can be taken to the local veterinarian for submission to the provincial veterinary diagnostic laboratory or can be delivered directly to the lab by the producer.

Full program details and a copy of the submission form can be obtained at

The Veterinary Diagnostic Services Laboratory is located in the Agricultural Services Complex at the main University of Manitoba campus in south Winnipeg.  Samples must be live sick chickens, fresh dead birds or dead birds that have been chilled or frozen.  For instructions on shipping birds from outside Winnipeg call 204-945-7636 or 945‑8738.

“Small flock owners are encouraged to take advantage of this service and receive an informative report on any diseases found including avian influenza,” said Wowchuk.  “Early detection of disease will help small flock owners to solve health problems in their birds and early detection of the Asian strain of avian influenza will help protect both small flock owners and Manitoba’s poultry industry.”

Small flock owners are encouraged to work with their local veterinarian to apply the results from the birds examined and tested at the provincial laboratory.

The program is in effect until March 31, 2007.

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