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Mississauga Firm's Cutting Edge Technology Earns Innovation Recognition

(March 3, 2005 Mississauga, ON) – The Honourable David L. Emerson, Minister of Industry and Minister responsible for the National Research Council of Canada (NRC), today announced that the PLANiT Measuring Company of Mississauga, Ontario has been recognized by the NRC as a Canadian Innovation Leader and a role model for technology-based innovation.

"The Government of Canada recognizes SMEs as cornerstones to strengthening the Canadian economy, benefiting all Canadians through the development of innovative technologies that will improve our standard of living and create jobs," said Minister Emerson. "We commend PLANiT Measuring for their ingenuity and inventiveness, which is bringing about the commercialization of new products in the marketplace."

Minister Emerson made the announcement at the office of PLANiT Measuring. The firm has developed and continues to research new measuring technologies that create highly accurate floor plans and space audits for commercial and residential buildings. 

"PLANiT Measuring is a great example of how collaboration between NRC and industry can foster further economic development in Southern Ontario," said Paul Szabo, MP for Mississauga South.

The firm's successful technology, MeasuringBoard, is an integration of a laser-measuring device and proprietary software, combined with customized computer-aided design (CAD) technology and a hand-held computer. It provides accurate real-time digital CAD drawings of commercial or residential buildings, complete with area calculations.

"The support and guidance we received from NRC-IRAP allowed PLANiT Measuring to focus on creating and developing a unique patent pending measuring system that turned out to be just what the industry had been looking for," said Mike Laurie, P.Eng. President of PLANiT Measuring.

The Canadian Innovation Leader initiative celebrates the successes of innovative Canadian firms identified by the NRC Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP), Canada's premier innovation assistance program for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Recognized globally for research and innovation, Canada's National Research Council (NRC) is a leader in the development of an innovative, knowledge-based economy for Canada through science and technology.

For more information, please consult our Web site:

Stéphanie Leblanc
Office of the Honourable David L. Emerson
Minister of Industry
(613) 995-9001

Irene Corridore
Office of Paul Szabo
Member of Parliament for
Mississauga South
(905) 822-2111

Louise Boudreau
Senior Communications Officer
(613) 991-5367

Alex Myers
Media Relations, NRC
Tel.: (613) 998-7352

Date Published: 2005-03-03
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