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The Honourable Carol Skelton, PC, MP

Minister of National Revenue and Minister of Western Economic Diversification

The Honourable Carol Skelton, Minister National Revenue and Minister of Western Economic DiversificationThe Honourable Carol Skelton was first elected in 2000 as the Member of Parliament for Saskatoon - Rosetown - Biggar.  She was re-elected in 2004 and again in 2006. On February 6, 2006, she became the first elected female Minister from Saskatchewan. 

In previous postings, Mrs. Skelton was the Official Opposition Critic for Social Development and also Critic for Public Health.  She also sat as the Vice-Chair on the new Parliamentary Committee for Persons with Disabilities.  Before that, she was the Senior Critic for Western Economic Diversification and the Critic for Human Resources & Skills Development (Social Economy).

Mrs. Skelton was a Coordinator for the Canadian Blood Services prior to being elected to the House of Commons. She also has a record of service as a leader in her community, having served in organizations ranging from 4-H to the Royal Canadian Legion. In her work with the Canadian Red Cross, she worked as a Family Services Officer in Winnipeg during the Manitoba flood and worked in Nebraska and Iowa during the great flood of the Mississippi.

Born in Biggar, Saskatchewan on December 12, 1945, Mrs. Skelton resides in Harris, Saskatchewan. She is married to Noel and has shared in the management of their farm for 41 years.  They have three grown children and five beautiful granddaughters.