Tobacco Harm Reduction and Cessation

Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable disability, disease and death in the NWT. Every year, 40 NWT residents die from tobacco use. Many more become seriously ill or disabled.

While the number of people who smoke is steadily declining across southern Canada, the NWT has seen no decrease since 1994 and almost twice as many adults in the NWT smoke as do other Canadians. Studies also indicate that most of our youth are addicted to nicotine before they are 18 years. More youth use tobacco in the NWT than anywhere else in Canada. 

The Department seeks to discourage tobacco use to ensure that people who do not smoke never start and support Northerners in their efforts to quit.  Significant efforts are also being made to protect NWT residents from environmental tobacco smoke (second-hand smoke).

To promote a tobacco-free NWT, the Department supports the following activities:


Last Updated: November 08, 2006
