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Co-operative Associations - Incorporation

In the Northwest Territories, co-operatives are incorporated under the Co-operative Associations Act.  The Act details their registration and reporting requirements.  It makes provision for one member/one vote, limited liability, patronage dividends, audit requirements, dissolution and procedures for incorporation.

Legalities of Incorporation

Two advantages of incorporation are its low cost and the limited liability it provides its members – that is, members are not individually responsible for the co-op’s debts beyond the amount of shares for which they subscribed.

Memorandum of Association

It is quite simple to incorporate as a co-op. A Memorandum of Association for the co-operative must be submitted (in duplicate, typewritten or printed legibly) together with the incorporation fee of $100.00, payable to the Government of the Northwest Territories to:

Supervisor of Co-operative Associations
Resources Wildlife and Economic Development
Government of the Northwest Territories
Yellowknife NT X1A 2L9

The Memorandum of Association includes the name, registered address, objectives, and the authorized share capital of the co-op. A second document is the co-op’s bylaws. Though the Standard By-laws are provided, a new co-op can modify these bylaws to suit their own circumstances as long as they abide by the Act.

You should also be aware of your legal obligation to provide information to the Supervisor at your year-end. You must provide general information on the affairs of the co-operative as required by the Supervisor. You must also file your year-end financial statements (balance sheet and income statement) and annual return to remain in good standing.


  1. The name must include "Co-operative" in it and have "Limited" as the last work in its name.
  2. The name must not be identical to that of another co-operative or so similar as to be likely to deceive anyone.
  3. The name must not include any of the following words or words having a similar meaning: Imperial, Crown, King's, Queen's, Royal, Dominion or the name of any province or territory.

Registered Office

  1. This must include the physical address and the postal address.
  2. This address must be within the Northwest Territories.


The Co-operatives Associations Act provides that a co-operative has all of the powers listed in Section 22 of the Act, except those that are excluded in the Memorandum of Association.

If a co-operative wishes to limit its power, a provision to that effect must be added to the Memorandum of Association. Note that having the power does not mean that it has to be exercised, so it is very rare that powers are excluded.

Share Structure or Terms of Membership

  1. If the co-operative is to have share capital, the Memorandum of Association MUST specify the number of shares authorized to be issued which may be a fixed number or “unlimited”. The amount of each share MUST be specified. If the co-operative is to have preferred shares as well as common shares, the nature of the preference MUST be specified, in addition to the above information.
  2. If there is to be no share capital, the Memorandum of Association MUST specify the terms of membership and the basis upon which the interest of each member is to be determined. The attached Memorandum of Association must be amended to delete the provision relating to shares and to add provisions relating to membership.


  1. There must be at least five subscribers, each of whom signs two copies of the Memorandum of Association in front of a witness who must also sign their name(s) to the Memorandum of Association.
  2. The names, addresses and occupations of the subscribers AND the witness(es) MUST appear beside or below their signature.
  3. An affidavit of execution is not required.
  4. If the co-operative does not submit its own by-laws, the Standard By-laws are deemed to apply to the co-operative. Please note that the Standard By-laws DO NOT have to be submitted with the Memorandum of Association.


Bylaws are the rules which govern your co-op. They tell members exactly what their rights and responsibilities are so there won’t be misunderstandings or conflict. Each co-operative is assumed to have adopted the Standard By-Laws as provided by the Supervisor. However, the co-op may adopt Supplemental By-laws which replace specific provisions of the Standard by-laws as long as they do not conflict with provisions of the Co-operatives Associations Act. The ability of a co-operative to adopt Supplemental By-laws allows it to structure the co-operative to meet the specific needs and desires of the co-operative’s members.


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