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Partnerships and Business Names - Frequently Asked Questions


What is a Business Name used for?

A sole proprietorship is a business, which is owned by one person who is solely responsible for its management and capital.

Do I have to register my Business Name?

Yes, this is necessary if you:

  • Carry on business under a name other than your own. (example: ABC Plumbing)
  • Use your surname in the name of the business, but the name indicates more than one person is involved. (example: Smith & Associates Plumbing)

What are the advantages of operating under a Business Name?

  • It is easy to start up and manage.
  • It is not as costly as incorporation.
  • In the initial years of operation, there may be tax advantages operating as a sole proprietor until the operation becomes profitable. Once profitability is established, the operation could be converted to a corporation. Specific advice should be obtained from an accountant or lawyer.

What are the disadvantages of operating under a Business Name?

  • The owner is personally liable for all business debts. Creditors may be able to recover against the owner’s personal assets (e.g. home, car) to satisfy business debts.
  • The sole proprietorship is not taxed separately. The proprietor’s business income is taxed as part of personal income.
  • If the owner passes away, the business becomes part of his or her estate, and there may be immediate tax consequences.

Once my business name is registered, am I registered across Canada?

No, your business name is registered only in the Northwest Territories. If you are interested in doing business in other jurisdictions, contact our office for the addresses and phone numbers of the Companies Offices in those jurisdictions.

What is a Partnership?

A business enterprise which exists between two or more persons carrying on business in common, intending to make a profit.

What are the advantages of operating under a partnership?

  • The partners can combine their financial resources and skills.
  • Registration is not as costly as incorporation.

What are the disadvantages of operating under a partnership?

  • Each partner is liable for all the debts and obligations incurred by the other partners in the course of the partnership business.
  • Each individual partner is liable both on his own, and with the other partners, for any wrongful acts or omissions by another partner in the course of the partnership business.
  • The partnership is not taxed as a separate entity. Each partner’s share of the business income is taxed as part of that partner’s personal income.
  • In the absence of a partnership agreement, when a partner leaves or dies, or when there is a dispute that cannot be resolved, the partnership must be dissolved.

Once my business name or partnership is registered, how often must I renew the registration?

Your business name or partnership remains registered until cancelled or dissolved by you.

Any amendments to your registration must be filed as outlined under the document Guidelines for Amending Business Name & Partnership Registrations.

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