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Download Inuktitut Font

Designed by Nortext Ltd., Nunacom is a 7-bit font designed for reading Inuktitut syllabic web pages for both Windows and Macintosh computers. The Nunacom font is FREE to all users.

Please note that the NWMB does not provide support for the Nunacom font.

Download compressed format for WINDOWS 95 or higher.

Click HERE to download the compressed font file (14K) to your hard drive. You will be downloading a folder that is "zipped" or compressed for quick downloading. You must "unzip" it with a program like WinZip in order to extract the font. You will need to use WinZip to get the font out of its package before you can install it. (Don't have it? WinZip is a shareware program that is available for downloading at After the file has been downloaded and unzipped, the file will be called nunacom.ttf

How to Install the nunacom.ttf file

Now that you have the nunacom.ttf file, you will need to install it in the font directory

  1. Go to the "Start" Menu, choose "Settings," then "Control Panel."
  2. When the Control Panel window opens, double-click on "Fonts."
  3. When the Fonts window opens, go to the File menu, then select "Install new font."
  4. When the "Add Fonts" window appears, find and click on the "nunacom.ttf." The "nunacom" font should now appear in the "List of fonts" window.
  5. Click on "OK."

You may need to restart your browser in order to view the "nunacom" font however, you should not have to restart your computer.

Download compressed format for MACINTOSH

Click HERE to download the compressed font file (40K) to your hard drive. (Please note, you need to click on the link and hold the mouse button down until a menu appears. Select the "Save Link" option.) This file can be saved on your desktop or in any folder on your hard drive.

This file is "Stuffed" (or compressed). Your browser may automatically open, or decompress this file. If not, you may need to use a program like "Stuffit Expander" to extract the font. In other words, you may need to use Stuffit to get the font out of its package before you can install it. (Don't have it? Stuffit Expander is a shareware program that is available for downloading at After you download and unstuff the file, you will be left with a file called Nunacom.

Installing the Nunacom font

Now that you've downloaded the font, you need to install it. Drag the font file "nunacom" (shaped like a suitcase) over the (closed) "System Folder" located on your hard drive. (DO NOT DRAG THE WHOLE "nunacom" FOLDER, JUST THE FILE "nunacom"). A dialogue box will tell you it is directing the font into the appropriate part of the System Folder – click "OK."

You may need to restart your browser in order to view pages with the "nunacom" font. You should not have to restart your computer.