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Provincially Regulated Rail 

  • Saskatchewan currently has over 1300 km of railways under provincial jurisdiction. These railways included shortline railways moving grain and wood products, industrial railways providing rail service to industrial plants and facilities, and amusement railways providing educational tours within some of Saskatchewan's Heritage parks.
  • Shortline railways generally provide a link between remote delivery points such as small town grain elevators or northern mills and mainline rail carriers such as Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Railways who move the products to port or other final destination.
  • Saskatchewan's provincially regulated railways provide an integral part of the province's transportation system, with railways all across the province from the Northwest to the Northeast to the Southwest (see Saskatchewan Rail Network map)
  • These railways operate in accordance with The Railway Act and the Provincial Railway Guides. Rail Services of Saskatchewan Highways and Transportation administers and enforces the Act and can provide assistance and information with regard to any provincial railway matters.
JUST A REMINDER: "All Road Traffic Must STOP for Any Equipment on a Railway"

This page updated December 2004

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