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Saskatchewan Highways and Transportation Geographical Information Services Unit (GIS) is an integral part of the department. The unit produces approximately 2,000 internal and external maps which identify construction, shortline rail, heavy haul on primary and secondary roads for trucking companies, control sections, electoral boundaries and numerous others.

Did you know Saskatchewan has more kilometres of highway per capita than any other jurisdiction in Canada?  To take a closer look visit Click on a section of Saskatchewan, and take a look at the map for that area.

Rural Municipalities Maps show provincial township ranges, municipal road system or anything on the land for that RM. The department has approximately 400 RM Inventory Maps. There is a minimal fee for receiving this map. To obtain an RM map, contact Drafting Services or 306-787-7933.

How do you get from Moose Jaw to Meadow Lake? For detailed directions visit - a site that tells you where to go and how to get there. For maps with detailed graphics of addresses, visit

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© 2001, Saskatchewan Highways and Transportation