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The Highway Hotline

The Highway Hotline updates the current driving conditions on all Saskatchewan Highways on a regular basis.

During the summer months, construction and maintenance activities are updated daily at 10:00 a.m. Monday through Friday excluding statutory holidays.
During the winter months, November 1st to April 1st, conditions are updated at 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., or whenever there are known changes that affect driving conditions. This service is provided 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

Conditions shown are those that were current at the last report. Motorists are cautioned to be alert to changing conditions. Conditions can change without warning. The Department does not provide 24 hour surveillance on all highways.

If you encounter severe conditions which we are not reporting you may report these conditions to any Saskatchewan Highways and Transportation office or notify the Highway Hotline at:

  • 306-787-4986 - Southern Region,
  • 306-933-5655 - Central Region,
  • 306-953-3576 - Northern Region.

These numbers are available 24 hours a day during the winter season. During the summer season, after hours, weekends and holidays, if a severe condition is encountered, it should be reported to the local RCMP detachment.
Recorded information on highway conditions is available at any time by calling:

  • Saskatoon and surrounding area - 306-933-8333
  • Regina and surrounding area - 306-787-7623
  • All other areas of the province - 1-888-335-7623
  • Out of province callers - recorded information 1-306-933-8333
  • Personal service - 1-306-933-5655
  • *ROAD through Sasktel Mobility

    Disclaimer regarding road conditon information provided by other organizations.

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© 2001, Saskatchewan Highways and Transportation