An International Hub   Human Capital
Montreal as a business gateway

Strategically located on the road to the Americas, Montreal is a true international hub for business and the gateway (...)
Universities in Montreal, higher education
With its 11 university-level establishments, of which four are large general universities, numerous colleges, private (...)
High Finance, Venture Capital, Taxation   Research and Development
Venture capital, finance and taxation in Montreal, Quebec

Over the years, Montreal has carved itself an international reputation in the business world. Several major (...)
Research and Development in the Montreal region
With over 200 research centers and not fewer than 1,500 institutions active in R&D, metro Montreal is home to the (...)
Operating Costs   Business Services
Labor costs, real estate and operating costs in Greater Montreal

It costs relatively little to run a company in metro Montreal. Labor costs are very competitive and industrial (...)
Business services offered by Montreal International
Montreal International offers companies a number of services to help them recruit and welcome qualified (...)

Why invest in metro Montreal?

To get the most of the competitive edge that an ultramodern urban area located near all the major North American centers offers. To benefit from a high-speed, reliable and efficient communications network and a highly qualified labor force. To take advantage of generous incentives in research and development, abundant and accessible financing in venture capital and operating costs that are among the lowest in North America!

When you invest in metro Montreal, you're also choosing a friendly living environment that welcomes and integrates foreign workers and businesses. Our International Mobility Services is able to facilitate the integration of foreign personnel thanks to its wide range of personalized welcome services for companies, employees and members of their families.

Invest in metro Montreal and plan today for a better tomorrow!

380, Saint-Antoine Street West • suite 8000 • Montréal (Québec) • Canada H2Y 3X7
Telephone : (514) 987-8191 • Fax : (514) 987-1948
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