Carbon Dioxide & Acid Gas (CO2 & H2S) Geological Sequestration in Alberta

co2 and h2s sequestration in alberta

The process of geological sequestration consists of CO2 capture from anthropogenic sources prior to its potential release into the atmosphere and subsequent storage in geological media.

Program Objective

Evaluate Alberta's potential for geological sequestration of greenhouse and acid gases (CO2 & H2S) and identify sites and opportunities for early large scale implementation.


  • Develop methods and implement techniques for the assessment of CO2 sequestration in oil and gas reservoirs, deep saline aquifers and coal and salt beds.
  • Use a “zoom-in” (or “top-down”) approach to identify and evaluate the potential for CO2 sequestration sites in Alberta, starting from the scale of the Alberta basin and ending at the reservoir, or site-specific scale.
  • Characterize specific sites selected for early implementation and monitoring of CO2 storage in geological media in Alberta.
  • Support the Alberta Department of Energy (ADOE) and the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board (EUB) with geoscience information and expert advice to implement the policy and regulatory environment for the sequestration of greenhouse and acid gas in geological media in Alberta.
  • Support Alberta Environment and other federal and provincial departments and agencies with expert advice and specific studies.
  • Provide data, information and knowledge to industry and the public.


Last modified: May 5, 2005

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