Alberta Kimberlites, Indicator Minerals and Diamonds

northern alberta kimberlite provinceIntroduction and Geological Setting of the Northern Alberta Kimberlite Province

Mineral Assessement Reports

View a summary of recent metallic minerals and diamond exploration in Alberta (submitted as assessment file reports per Alberta Energy's Metallic Mineral Regulations). These mineral assessment reports are available through our Information Sales office and are intended to advance the geological knowledge of the properties and can aid in future exploration.
PDF version (2.5 MB) JPG version
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Summary of surficial kimberlite-indicator mineral trends in Alberta pdf logo (1.7 MB)

View Earth Sciences Report 2001-20 (Interactive PDF for Acrobat 5 and older)

Download Earth Sciences Report 2001-20 (16 MB zip file)

Compilation on All Relevant Data About Ultramafic Rock Occurrences Discovered to Date in Alberta

Geo-Note 2002-23 is an interactive PDF document that includes selected assessment file report information from ultramafic rock occurrences in Alberta compiled into a single document for government, industry and the public. Compiled information includes

  • the location of 50 ultramafic rock occurrences in Alberta;
  • a brief overview of the exploration history of each ultramafic rock occurrence field or cluster;
  • diamond content results for 31 diamondiferous kimberlites (29 in Buffalo Head Hills and 2 in the Birch Mountains) and from the Black Butte minette in southern Alberta;
  • 157 drill logs from drillholes completed on 29 diatremes; and
  • 30 ground geophysical maps from surveys over 44 diatremes and the results of 1 aeromagnetic survey flown in the vicinity of the Sweet Grass Intrusives.

You can purchase this report for $20 from our Information Sales office.


Last modified: September 21, 2006

Alberta Geological Survey
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