Alberta GIS and Interactive Maps

These interactive geological maps of Alberta will let you browse, query and download GIS data.

You can pan and zoom, click on features for more information and follow hyperlinks. Linked information includes core photos, thin section photomicrographs, drillhole logs, printable maps, GIS files (datasets) and related AGS geology reports and maps.

Additional tools are listed on the right side of the maps. You may need to scroll across depending on your screen resolution.

Help using each section is available by clicking on the map's Help icon for that section.

NOTE: These GIS maps are designed for Internet Explorer 5 and higher at 1024x768 resolution. Mozilla Firefox and Netscape 7.2 will render most of the pages correctly. The GIS components do not work with earlier versions of Netscape.

Interactive geology map

Geology of Alberta
Updated Dec 1, 2005

Interactive hydrogeology map Hydrogeology/Water Well Chemistry
Interactive RadarSat map RadarSat-1 Data Holdings Interactive Sand & Gravel map Sand and Gravel

CO2 Sources in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin

Large Oil and Gas Pools for CO2 Storage

Major Basin Units for CO2 Sequestration

CBM potential GIS mapping

CBM Potential
Updated Sept. 12, 2005

Alberta Geological Survey
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