geology newspaper Current Geology News and Earth Science Articles

Geology articles, earth science news and blogs from around the world. Stories are archived monthly. All links are to external sites and linking does not mean the site or opinions are endorsed by AGS.

December 7, 2006

Growth in mining hampered by a lack of geoscientists
If the downward trend continues, it may become impossible to meet Australia’s future educational, training and professional needs in geoscience.

A diamond’s journey begins
Once a consumer buys a diamond, it is the end of a long, winding road for a gem that may have been underground for millions of years.

December 6, 2006

Scientists amazed at find of Yukon microfossils
Scientists have found some of Canada's earliest wildlife - fossils in a Yukon mountain range twice as old as the dinosaurs that show some very small ancestors of modern animals.

December 5, 2006

Ancient egg cluster preserved in glass
The first fossils of half-billion-year-old clusters of soft-shelled eggs have been found preserved in a strange new way in south China — some of the eggs were even caught in the act of dividing.

December 3, 2006

University of Calgary to study oil sands
The University of Calgary is the recipient of $19 million in grants from the Canada Foundation for Innovation. A portion of the funds ($9.3 million) will go toward the study of in situ oil sands upgrading.

Himalayan glaciers are retreating
According to geology officials, the Thorthomi lake, 4500 metres above sea level, has become critical and poses potential dangers. The debris covered glacial lake is expanding because the glaciers are melting.

December 2, 2006

Indonesian quake damages buildings, 14 hurt
The U.S. Geological Survey put the quake at 6.3 in magnitude in a bulletin on its website.

December 1, 2006

Scientists forecast another major earthquake in Malaysia
Another powerful earthquake may occur in the Kurile Islands region in the next two-three months, scientists at the Sakhalin Sea Geology and Geophysics Institute suppose, referring to the analysis of the earthquakes in the Kuriles for the past 50 years.

10-million-year-old fish fossils discovered in Kazakhstan
Numerous fossils belonging to the fish families of carps and herrings and predicted to be 10 million years old, have been discovered in Yenisu village of southern city of Mersin's Silifke town.


Last modified: December 7, 2006

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