Alberta Geological Survey Sitemap

Activities and Programs

This section is updated regularly and provides general and technical information about Alberta Geological Survey projects, programs and activities. Project information about each department within AGS is also outlined.

We will soon have information on uranium, groundwater, waste management and aggregate.


List of all Alberta Geological Survey publications available for purchase. These are sorted by publication type and NTS area. Many have online abstracts. Some reports are available for free download.

This section also has our quarterly newsletter, Rock Chips, and the online version of the Geological Atlas of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin.

The 3.5 MB PDF version of our new Geoscape Edmonton poster is available for download. NOTE: This file can take a long time to load. It will open in its own window.


Interactive, GIS maps of the geology, hydrogeology, CO2, RADARSAT and aggregate data holdings of Alberta.
The maps have different layers and many have data components for downloading. NOTE: These maps do not work with older versions of Netscape.

Tools to convert UTM, ATS and lat/long co-ordinates and an explanation of the Alberta Township System.


General information about accessing our geological library with a link to the online catalogue.
Anyone with a valid Alberta Library card can borrow our material. We are part of the NEOS Consortium.


Links to other geological surveys and societies, government departments and general reference information.

Mineral Research Core Facility (MCRF)

Mineral core and rock samples are selected by an AGS geologist, and exploration companies are directed to send these materials to the MCRF in Edmonton. The core is catalogued, stored and is available for logging or sampling by the public, industry or the scientific community.

General information regarding this facility and how to view the core.


Lists all staff members and contact information.

Last modified: September 21, 2006

Alberta Geological Survey
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