Surficial Mapping in Alberta

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surficial map map legend

In 2000, the Alberta Geological Survey initiated a long-term, regional surficial mapping program of northern Alberta. This program supports the mineral exploration and energy industry by providing baseline geological information for northern Alberta.

Surficial geology maps contain information on the surface sediments (the ground we live upon) and provide the user with insights to surface material properties, morphology and genesis. The maps accommodate the increasing demand for geological information on infrastructure development (e.g., granular aggregate, landslide potential, permafrost and land-use planning) in northern Alberta.

The objective of the surficial mapping program is to complete the surficial geology mapping of northern Alberta and, with complementary studies, such as ice-flow mapping, stratigraphy and sedimentation history, compile and link this information with existing maps of southern and central Alberta.


Last modified: October 4, 2006

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