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Hiring Policies

The Northwest Territories Power Corporation depends on recruiting and keeping qualified and motivated people to be a safe, efficient and progressive energy provider.

Appointments to and within the Corporation will take into consideration:

  • education, experience, knowledge, skills and/or professional or technical credentials which may be legally required for the job
  • suitability as evidenced by personal traits and characteristics
  • performance as demonstrated by past work record
  • the Affirmative Action Policy. Appointments to positions within the Power Corporation are subject to the Public Service Staffing Appeals Regulations

Screening of Applications and Interviews:

The Department of Personnel screens applications to assess qualifications and skills in accordance with the job requirements and the Affirmative Action Policy.

The Department will arrange for interviews. If the applicant is from outside the community where the job is located, a telephone interview will normally be conducted. Reference checks will be conducted on the most suitable candidate(s) after the interviews.

The Affirmative Action Policy:
Hiring preference depends on the type of competition and has the following priorities:

Competitions for Management or Non-Traditional Occupations:

Priority 1: Indigenous Aboriginal Persons
Priority 2: Resident Women
Priority 3: Indigenous Non-Aboriginal Persons or Resident Disabled Persons
Priority 4: All other applicants

All Other Competitions:

Priority 1: Indigenous Aboriginal Persons
Priority 2: Indigenous Non-Aboriginal Persons or Resident Disabled
Persons Priority 3: All other applicants

Indigenous Aboriginal Persons: is any Dene, Metis or Inuit person who was born in the NWT or Nunavut. An indigenous aboriginal person is also any Canadian aboriginal person who has lived more than half their life in the NWT and/or Nunavut, or who is the descendant of an aboriginal person born in the NWT or Nunavut.

Indigenous Non-Aboriginal Persons: are non-aboriginal persons born in the NWT or Nunavut or who have lived more than half their lives in the NWT and/or Nunavut.

Resident Women: are women who have lived in the NWT and/or Nunavut for at least one year before their application and who now reside in the NWT or Nunavut.

Resident Disabled Persons: are persons who have lived in the NWT and/or Nunavut for at least one year before their application and who are at a disadvantage because of a medically certified learning, mental, emotional or physical disability.