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About the Environmental Department

Our Environmental Protection Policy states that the Corporation will conduct its operations to ensure that environmental laws in force in the Northwest Territories are complied with by:

  • Identifying the Corporation’s legal environmental obligations;
  • Establishing effective policies and procedures appropriate for the Corporation’s facilities and operations and for monitoring and documenting the Corporation’s environmental compliance activities ;
  • Providing employees with a clear understanding of their responsibilities for environmental compliance by providing training and education appropriate for such responsibilities ;
  • Developing, and when appropriate, carrying out plans to promptly and effectively respond to environmental impacts resulting from the Corporation’s operations ;
  • Conducting periodic environmental inspections and audits of the Corporation’s facilities and operations to identify environmental risks and taking appropriate steps to eliminate or reduce such risks;
  • Encouraging employees to participate in the development and improvement of the Corporation’s environmental operating procedures;
  • Initiating and maintaining dialog with government, regulators, industry, community groups, and the public to enhance communications and to develop improved operating and other procedures; and
  • Taking other steps as may be necessary to ensure compliance with applicable environmental laws.

It is part of every employee’s duty and job responsibility to comply with and assist the Corporation in carrying out this policy.

Environmental Department

The NTPC Environmental Department is responsible for the administration of the Corporation’s Environmental Management System (EMS). This includes planning, implementing, monitoring, and updating the EMS as required. Employee training is an ongoing responsibility to ensure employees have the knowledge to put the Corporation’s Environmental Policy into action.

Each year the department conducts environmental site assessments, risk assessments, groundwater monitoring, and environmental audits to monitor the environmental condition of our plants and properties. The department maintains a strong working relationship with communities and regulators to maintain our position as an environmental leader in the north.

Representatives of the Environmental Department and of Operations are members of the working committee for Greenhouse Gas Emissions, a GNWT committee working on plans to reduce emissions in the North. The department is also a member of the NTPC Emergency Response Team, which is called upon to deal with NTPC emergencies.

For further information on any environmental issue, please contact the department by phone at (867) 874-5327 or by fax at (867) 874-5286.