Northwest Territories Power CorporationHome
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The 167 professionals who staff the NWT Power Corporation are the heart of the company. We're responsible for maintaining essential power for 28 communities directly and indirectly across the Northwest Territories. We've worked hard at improving our service and our reliability, operating as a business in a very dynamic social and economic environment.

The NWT Power Corporation is made up of 28 separate power systems serving a population of approximately 42,000 people. Our area of operation spans more than 1.2 million square kilometres. The Corporation's facilities include hydro-electric, diesel and natural gas generation plants, transmission systems, and numerous isolated electrical distribution systems.

In 2004, the Corporation generated 316 gigawatt hours of electricity. The peak load across the Corporation is approximately 64.5 megawatts with the separate power systems having generating capacities from 60 megawatts at Snare/Yellowknife to 240 kilowatts at Colville Lake. Since most systems are unconnected, each must be planned for and operated independently.

Our hydro generating facilities are located on the Snare and Taltson River systems. Diesel generators are used in all other locations except Norman Wells and Inuvik. In Norman Wells, natural gas generated power is purchased from Esso Resources Limited. The Corporation generates power from natural gas in Inuvik.

The Corporation distributes power to the direct consumer in most locations. It also supplies electricity on a wholesale basis to two distributing utilities, which, in turn, retail electricity to customers in Yellowknife and Hay River.

The Corporation employs up to 180 utility professionals and about half the workforce is aboriginal or long-term Northerners.The Corporation is headquartered in Hay River.


It is the responsibility of the Corporation to generate, transform, transmit, distribute, deliver, sell and supply electrical and heat energy throughout the Northwest Territories on a safe, efficient and reliable basis.


Position the core business for future sustained, profitable growth through:

  • Motivating and securing alignment and support of all employees to the Corporation's future strategy.
  • Implementing 1 or 2 significant growth opportunities for the core business, adequately resourced.
  • Improving organizational efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Gaining the support of key stakeholders, the Board, Shareholder, Aboriginal peoples, and our communities, for growth and change initiatives.
  • We will provide environmentally sound, safe, reliable, cost-effective energy and related services in the territories, resulting in recognition as the best managed utility in Canada.
  • We will be profitable and financially strong, following sound business practices, and providing an economic return to our shareholder.
  • We will be a great place to work - innovative, proactive, and driven to meet expectations of our shareholder, customers, and communities.
  • We will be a major contributor, working with partners, to the development and operation of new energy resources in ways that meet the North's unique environmental needs.

We will endeavour to:

  • Be cost effective in the utilization of all resources, always remembering that we are spending the customer's money.
  • Strive to increase shareholder value in the long term.
  • Be responsive to our customers and their changing needs.
  • Act ethically and honestly, treating employees, customers and others with fairness, dignity and respect.
  • Commit to the safety and development of our employees by balancing the needs of customers with the needs of our families and ourselves.
  • Respect and protect the environment in all our activities to ensure a sustainable environment for the NWT.
  • Communicate in an open and timely manner.